Chapter 20: Surprise, Surprise (Blake's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 20: Surprise, Surprise (Blake’s P.O.V.)

            We ran the flight of stairs which led to the door of the rooftop. I opened it and a strong gust of wind surged through the area. Charlotte held on to me with one hand and held her dress with the other.

            I couldn’t help but smile as her face lit up upon seeing the helicopter waiting for us. The pilot came to escort us towards our means of transportation and we excitedly but carefully boarded the small aircraft.

            Once we were properly seated and ready to go, the helicopter left the rooftop and ascended into the skies. Charlotte still had no idea where we were going but I was glad with how excited she seemed.

            Halfway through the one-and-a-half-hour flight though, her face was once more full of sorrow. I had an idea why she felt so but I didn’t ask her about it. Instead, I took her hands, which were firmly placed on her lap, and squeezed them softly. She looked up at me and smiled a little. I gave her another cheerful smile to lift her spirits her up.

            I spent the latter part of the journey looking at Charlotte who spent it half-heartedly looking at the scenery. From time to time, she would look at me and I knew she was silently asking where I was taking her. I would simply smile at her in response each time.

            After a while, the helicopter landed on a vast empty field. We both thanked the pilot then unstrapped ourselves. When we exited the aircraft, I heard Charlotte gasp. She knew where we were and I just hope she won’t hate me for it.

            I never had the chance to see her facial expressions because she wistfully pulled on me through our still-entwined hands. We walked through the field and into our hometown. We stopped at the side of the road and both inhaled a deep long breath.

            I stood beside Charlotte and she looked at me. My heart sank when I saw tears in her eyes, some falling freely down her cheeks. Slowly, she let go of my hand. Outside, I looked calm but inside, I was panicking. She hates me! She won’t let me talk to her anymore. She would probably toss me out once we get back to her apartment.

            I was about to wipe her tears away when she suddenly lunged herself towards me. I was stunned but easily recovered and gently hugged her back.

            “Thank you for bringing me here,” she sobbed and I was filled with relief. I really thought I would lose her again because of this.

            After what seemed like hours, she gently pushed back and I reluctantly let her go. I wiped the tears that were still on Charlotte’s face and then smiled. I held out my hand and she took it. We then walked a little further into the town when a pink car slowed down and then stopped in front of us. Thank God!

            Out came my annoying yet very supportive and ever loving sister, Britney. She ran to hug a very shocked Charlotte. Not many seconds later, both of them were already crying their eyes out. Ah, women! One second they’re fine, you turn your head for one moment and they’re shedding more tears than before. I guess that’s one more reason to love and protect them, right?

            When I snapped out of my thoughts, Britney was glaring at me. I raised my eyebrows in question and she answered with an even more intense glare. What have I done now?

Hey, all! I know it's been a long time. But thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to read this story. I hope we won't let go of it halfway. Hehe. I don't know the next time I'll upload so the "On Hold" stays but I'll do my best to make it a week from now. By the way, something's wrong with the spacing. An option I use before isn't there anymore. I guess a lot has changed since the last time I uploaded. Have a great day! :)

By the way, the photo on the side is a beautiful cover made by waldo97. I don't know why it looks weird but it looks fine in photobucket. If u want to see it, I'll comment the link [a few seconds after uploading the photo, I saw that it was fine so I won't comment the link anymore since it is in my photobucket profile and we won't see other great works there by waldo97]. Maybe someday I'll change the current cover to this, when I'm ready. Thanks, Angela! :)

Ooh ooh ooh, and the video is one of my most favorite Hi-5 songs. Well, I love most of their songs so... I'm sorry for such a long author's note. It's been a long time since I've uploaded sooo... Anyway, thanks for all who are reading up to this point. You and some positive feedback are all a big surprise to me and you all really are amazing. :)

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