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Sup. I'm Mad Rose. You can call me Mad.

Most likely, you just came here through the interwebz, bro.

Important but noteworthy facts in case you didn't read my bio:

-I'm a genderflux person, yo. I fluctuate between girl and agender. Most of the time, I feel a mixture of the two. But recently I've been feeling more agender. (As of July 20-23, 2016)

-I'm novisexual. If I were to explain what my sexuality is, there would be an aesthetic lil' wall of text.

-I'm demiromantic. No romo, unless I have formed a strong emotional bond.

People Who Shall Be Mentioned:



-My little bro. We'll call him Butthead.

-My crush and cisgender male friend. We'll call him Gree.

-My other cisgender male friend. We'll call him Laquisha. (Nickname that I gave him randomly since my other friends are calling him 'Debbie'.)

-My online soul-sister. I'll call her May. Understanding af.

-Older friend of mine. As in she's literally older than me. I'll call her MB. She's bi, and wonderful af.

-Childhood friend of mine that I grew up with. I'll call her Frost. She's bi, and pretty af, and liek a sister. :)

-A nutha childhood friend of mine that I grew up with. I'll call her Cass.

-Friend of mine that's drifting apart. I'll call her Herb.

-Any male/masculine bully of mine shall be called 'Idiot' but with the first letter of their first name at the end.

-Any female/feminine bully of mine shall be called 'Basic-Bitch' but with the first letter of their first name at the end.

More Crucial Info:

-I am not out to my family about my gender identity or sexuality. Only you readers and May know about it. (Well, May is one of my readers.... :/ )

-I prefer they/them pronouns and she/her pronouns. I'll let you know which ones I prefer per update due to my fluctuating.

Can't wait to post actual stuff~!

An Agender's DiaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang