Sick to My Stomach

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Yup. I feel sick to my stomach. I feel this way due to a conversation with my mom. I gently brought up gender stereotypes in a conversation, and the subject of feminine boys and masculine girls (Ex: men in dresses/skirts women who are jocks, boys playing with dolls, girls playing with trucks). She completely said that it isn't right. She said that she and my dad would never, EVER let my little bro play with dolls. And she said 'your brother is like a boy, because he played with trucks'. It made me sick. And she also said, and I quote, 'I think that gays are an abomination of God'. I am so sick of this. Yep. Nice to know that my mom thinks that LGBTQ+ stuff is sickening and disgusting. As a demiromantic novisexual non-binary person, I find that sickening and disgusting.

-Triggered Mad out. (What is gender? If you have seen a stray gender, please let me know so I can see if it is mine.)

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