Chapter 2

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Rose's P.O.V

The tube pulled to a stop in front of me, tousling my hair. The doors glided open and I stepped inside. Unfortunately there were no seats so I stood up next to a brown haired boy who smiled warmly at me.

I had had to get the train and then the tube to my new apartment as the removal men had no room in their van, Mum had to go to work in her car and I couldn't drive yet. I wasn't the biggest fan of the tube as it was crowded and noisy which often made me panic.

"Ding dong!" I heard my stop being announced over the tannoy and prepared to leave the tube with my handbag and suitcase. I noticed that the brown haired boy also got ready to leave.

I soon found my way to the block of apartments and, as I was opening the door, I heard someone behind me. It was the brown haired boy.
"Oh hey! You were on the tube right?" He held out his hand,
"I'm Hobbie" I shook his hand.
"Hi, I'm Rose. Do you live here?" I smiled shyly at him.
"No, no, I'm just visiting a friend." I sighed, I was hoping that I could've already met someone who lived here.
"Anyway, I'd better get a move on, I'm moving into my new flat today." I pressed the button for the lift and the doors slid open.
"Well good luck! I'm sure I'll see you around." He headed for the stairs,
"Bye!" I waved as the doors shut and the lift swooped upwards.

I lugged my suitcase out onto my floor, there were a couple of doors to choose from. I was flat number 23 so I got out my key and opened the door. The removal men hadn't arrived yet so it was completely empty (A/N It's the same layout as Gabby's flat so just imagine that). I mentally planned where I was going to put my furniture, I didn't have much, just some little bits from my old bedroom. I planned to take a trip to IKEA the next day. I placed my bag on the floor and sat down next to it, I could already tell that this was going to be difficult. I was so used to having my mum by my side 24/7.

Leaving home / A Gabby Lindley Zoe Sugg fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora