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"Ana if you don't get up right now you're gonna be late for the lecture and mid years are coming up" Ana's roommate Ruthie exclaimed, shaking Ana's shoulder. Ana awoke with a start, rolling off her bed onto the floor.

"Hmmf?" She grumbled, sitting up with her hair sticking in every direction. Ruth shook her head, placing a hand on her hip.

"Ana I swear you'll be the death of me. We have ten minutes until professer Armstrong's lecture starts. I'm not gonna be late because of you." Ana groaned and rubbed her hands over her face.

"Son of a bitch" she whispered to herself. Four years had passed since she'd left the asshole in her past and it just so happened she was doomed to a normal life while he Luke Michael and Ashton blew the fuck up as a band. It had been a dream of Luke's to make it in the music industry. A year after Calum was banned from the Hemmings house they all dropped out of college and began on the road. Who would have known they would have gotten so far?

Ruth snapped in front of Ana's face.

"Leta go here Ana! I hate to do this but I'm gonna leave pretty quick if you don't get moving." Ana stood quickly and began rushing around the small dorm room, pulling leggings and a hoodie out of her drawer, changing without regard for Ruth standing by the door. She pulled her hair into the least organized bun to ever exist and popped a piece of gum in her mouth.

"Lets go." Ruth would never comprehend how Ana was able to get ready that fast. Then again Ana did look like she just rose from the grave.

After Professor Armstrongs obnoxiously long lecture, ana exited the building with Ruth by her side. She let out a yawn and scratched the back of her head.

"Professor Armstrong may be hot but his lectures are death." She commented. Ruth wrinkled her nose.

"He's old enough to be your dad dude." Ana shrugged.

"I've always liked older men."

"Ana!" Ana looked up and her eyes went wide. A tall figure stood leaning on a sleek black car with a smirk on his face. He looked so different. He'd bulked up and grown stubble. Ruth turned to Ana her mouth wide open.

"You know him?"

"He's my brother!"

Hello yes stage lights is back don't expect it to be all that good lol

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