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Ana practically sprinted to Luke and jumped into his arms.

"Luke! I thought you guys were on tour!" She exclaimed. Luke hugged his sister tightly.

"We leave tomorrow! But I want you to come!" When Luke set Ana down from their hug, she frowned.

"I can't just leave. I have classes to take. My loans will have gone to waste if I drop all of my classes." Luke's face was caught in a grimace.

"There's nothing? What about online? This place offers online classes right?" Ana sighed.

"I'm already taking the classes, Luke. I can't switch in the middle of the semester." Luke thought for a moment before he spoke again.

"When's spring break?" Ana thought for a moment, calculating the remaining time in her head.

"A month and a half." Luke then did some calculating of his own and smiled.

"We'll be in Rome then I think. You can join us for speing break and then come back! I swear you'll have fun!" Ana smiled up at her dopey brother.

"You're really something else, you know that, giraffe boy?" Luke shoved Ana's shoulder lightly. By then he'd attracted the eyes of a few students who were taking not so discreet photos. It was then that Ana thought of it.

"Luke won't... won't he be there?" She whispered. Not to mention he had a girlfriend from what she'd heard, but she'd only seen photos of her covering herself away from the paparazzi.

"So what? He's grown, you've grown, it'll be fine. You don't even have to talk to him if you don't want to. I miss you, Ana." Ana looked down at her feet, contemplating.

"You really want me to come?" Luke nodded "and you'll pay for my food?" She raised an eyebrow, he nodded again. "Can I get a post card from each place we go?"

"Ana you can get whatever the hell you want from wherever we go just come with us! I need a piece of home with me" it was then impossible for Ana to hold her smirk back.

"Alright... I'll go"

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