#2 -

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imagine: being a youtuber and dating leafyishere

Secretly dating for months and not putting it on the internet
Claiming to be 'just friends' even though everyone calls bullshit
Bc he's always in your vlogs & snapchat
And they constantly catch him just gazing and smiling at you
Him getting shy whenever you record him
"AWWWWWWW he's so cute! Stop running away from me!"
And you just smile in videos whenever someone asks you about it
"Are you and leafy dating?""Who?"Watching Calvin record & him getting mad bc he can hear you laughing in the background so he kicks you out until he's finished
Fans going nuts when they see you sitting on his lap in one of your friend's vlog
Him tweeting a picture of you kissing his cheek with the caption'sorry femmy but she's thick af'Fans begging you guys to make videos together bc they ship itBeing nervous to be on each other's channel but eventually doing it"What's up guys...I'm here with my sexy ass boyfriend, Calvin."
And you both burst out into laughter and he just puts his head on your lap
But that's how you introduce him in any video he's in
Doing something cliche like the boyfriend challenge bc u kno he'll hate it
Him groaning throughout the video bc the cringe is real
And hiding his face in your hair whenever you say something sweet about him
Bc he's embarrassed but he also feels lucky asf to have you
Making a rant with him
Distracting him with kisses the whole time
Making fun of the way he says COllab
"Why do you say it like that?"
"Like what?"
This turning into you doing a full blown impression of him
Everyone being impressed bc you are pretty good at it
Giving him head while he edits bc he's stressed and hot af
Fans calling you "Mom and dad"
Kissing on live streams
Gifs and pictures of it all over tumblr
Both having fucked up sleeping schedules bc ur working on vids
Cuddling at 4am with him stroking your hair and kissing your temple
Overall supporting the fuck out of each other bc ur both doing what you love

Calvin Vail/LeafyIsHere ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now