Prologue - "Shit, I forgot he existed."

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"You know what the opera and Austria have in common? They're both outdated and boring."

It was as if there was a physical pain in Roderich's chest as he closed and locked the door to his house. His heart ached to spill unshed tears as the old wood clicked into place, leaving the house almost utterly silent save the ringing footsteps of his shiny black-leather shoes. No one wanted to see him, so what was the point in forcing his presence upon them? KugelMugel was old enough now, he could look after Austria, Roderich reassured himself as he dragged himself up his sweeping spiral staircase toward the familiarity of his safe haven.

No one needed him. No one cared. Not anymore. Pushing open the door with a well-worn doorknob he bit down hard on his lower lip which had long ago been destroyed by his worrying. He could no longer stand being totally ignored, no longer stand being the butt of every single joke. Sliding into the green leather of his piano stool he cracked his knuckles, revelling in the richness of his surroundings. He admired the beautiful piece of ivory and sighed, running his fingers over the keys and looking at his pale, thin hands. What a waste of space he was. This was better for everyone.

That was years ago now, and true to Roderich's beliefs, very few, if any, had questioned where he was, much less gone to seek him out. So there he'd sat, at his piano, unable to die, but never truly alive. His music room, where he used to find safety and security began to house his own personal hell; his own mind.

"West!" Gilbert had called as he entered the spacious kitchen, slamming his open palms down in the island in the centre and grinning at his 'little' brother, "I'm bored!"

Ludwig turned to face him, dusting his flour covered hands on a 'kiss the cook' apron he had no doubt been gifted to by Feliciano, and arched an eyebrow at the silvery man, "Entertain yourself then." He said in a bored tone, eyeing him with apprehension, "I'm busy." He added and turned back to his cooking.

Gil threw the nearest object; a pen, at the back of Ludwig's head, "Too busy for big brother?" He pouted, tossing another pen square between his shoulder blades. Ludwig span on his heel and a well-aimed ball of batter hit the red-eyed fool on his forehead. "Now you have something to do, I know you love cleaning." He said snarkily and wheeled back round to disguise the smirk growing on his lips. Gilbert lobbed another pen at Ludwig's back and grabbed a dishcloth, wiping down his face, "Maybe I should just invite Francis over~?"

Ludwig visibly tensed. "Nein. Me and Vene are having a date this evening and that pervert will not be here to ruin it. Understand?" he snapped, aggressively rolling bread. Prussia grumbled to himself under his breath sulkily and stood up fully again, "Fine." He whined and messed the blond's hair as he passed.

He walked into his immaculate room, taking a moment to enjoy the scent of what he would deem his 'awesomeness', and then flopping down onto his bed. After a moment of contemplation e twisted where he sat, throwing open his bedside drawer and chucking the contents onto the sheets between his legs, eyes glinting with mischief. The items before him were all leather bound books, inscribed with surprisingly elegant hand writing stating that these were to be looked at by no one besides 'Herr Awesome'. Each one was actually a diary containing every carefully recorded moment in Gilbert's long life.

The ones before him were fairly recent, barely spanning back 100 years of meticulously written notes. Many of the pages had photos and memorabilia attached, each referencing a certain event or person mentioned in the journals. Gilbert found these useful for choosing things to do, often discovering nit-bits of information handy in blackmail and such with his infamous Bad Touch Trio gang.

But, an hour and a half later and he'd read nearly 30 years' worth of adventures and nothing had come up. Hating to have to leave his bedroom to go in search of more books he huffed and dropped the book, letting it fall open on a random page. Something bright and purple caught his eye in a large picture that dominated the left page and he pulled it into his lap, peering curiously at the familiar purple eyes staring unblinkingly back at him, crinkled in an amused smile, "Shit, I forgot he existed."

((AN: I know you're not supposed to say 'it's my first fanfiction' but it is, so constructive criticism is welcome! Sorry this chapter is short but as the plot thickens the chapters will bulk out too, thanks for reading x – Hasim))

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