Meet Barbie

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"Thanks for calling me Ms. Martin." The brunette smiled at Lydia's mother, "What did you say happened again? Some man attacked her?"

Natalie Martin nodded, "Maybe, honestly, I'm not so sure anymore Barbie. Who ever, whatever it was is gone but the bite marks and everything; it just doesn't add up."

"Well whatever it was, it's gone. Right now we just need to be here, for Lydia's sake." The two females walked from the main part of the hospital to the separated wings.

Nurse McCall waved them over, "Hello Ms. Martin," She turned her gaze to Barbie, "I'm Nurse McCall, you are?"

Natalie smiled, "She's with me, this is Barbie, she's Lydia's best friend."

Melissa's face scrunched up slightly, "Barbie..? Like-"

"Like the doll, exactly." Barbie interrupted, her angelic voice breaking Melissa from her thoughts and leaving her slightly speechless.

She cleared her throat, "Right, um through here. Let me get you a visitor's pass." She walked away.

"I'm gonna tell Lydia you're here." Natalie stated, leaving Barbie alone waiting for Melissa to return.

A small voice sounded through the hall, "Alright, you first. Oh, me first?" Barbie spotted a boy her age sleeping on one of the waiting chairs outside of Lydia's room.

"Fucking weirdo." Barbie stated before Melissa returned.

Melissa smiled, "Alright, here we go." Melissa placed a sticker with the word visitor and the room number. "Call me if you need anything?"

Barbie nodded and entered the hospital room, her eyes landed on Mr. Martin and Lydia who was getting out of bed.

"Do you need help getting in the shower?"

Lydia glared at her father and scoffed, "Maybe if I was four and still taking bubble baths." 

The brunette chuckled causing the two to finally take notice of her, "Woah calm down Jeffree Star, no need to go all Diva on him." 

The Strawberry blonde's eyes lit up, "Barbie!" The two embraced excitedly, "What are you doing here?"

"Your mom called me, said you got into an accident."

Mr. Martin coughed awkwardly, the two girls looked at him with raised eyebrows signaling him to leave. He nodded and scurried away.

"Accident? I was attacked by some freak!" Lydia scoffed, "One second I was looking for Jackson on the field and I see someone walking towards me. I hear someone yelling my name and the next thing I know the creep is biting me and I black out."

Barbie made a noise of acknowledgement, "Totes crazy. But now, Barbie is here to make everything better."

Lydia nodded happily, "How long are you staying?"

"As long as you need." Barbie placed her hand on her slender hips, "Now go take a shower, I'll get you another robe from the nurse." Barbie closed the door to Lydia's room.  She went out and spotted Lydia's dad with Nurse McCall. He pointed to the boy who was asleep.

"He's been here all night?" 

Melissa smiled, "He's been here all weekend." She stated. "That's Stiles."

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Barbie and Mr. Martin asked. 

There was a high pitched yell from Lydia's room, everyone froze for a second before rushing in. "What the hell!" Melissa yelled.

"Lydia?" Stiles jumped from his seat and after everyone.

Barbie pushed ahead and into the bathroom where Lydia was supposed to be, the shower was one but no one was in either room. Barbie turned around seeing the window open, "What kind of fucking hospital keeps windows in a restroom?" Barbie scoffed.

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