Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus characters; I only own the characters I made up.

I got the idea for this chapter from a story called 'Nightmares' by RascalJoy, on

This is also a Part 2 to Chapter 12.

Emilee's POV


"Well, now I have another video," Aphrodite said when she came back to the microphone. "This one Percy and Annabeth don't know exist. I am very sorry that I'm showing video you two, but Percy it seems that some of your peers don't believe you are strong enough to be a demigod. So here it is." She stepped off the stage and the room went dark again.

The video started off dark, and I heard a girl scream. "PERCY, SEAWEED BRAIN, WHERE ARE YOU?"

When we could see who was screaming, it was Annabeth, she had wide eyes, and her hand was over her mouth. The camera then switched to what she was staring at. She was staring at a man who had his hands tied above his head, and his head was hung low. There was a masked figure standing behind him, with a whip, and before anyone expected it, he brought the whip down on the other man's back.

When the whip came down the man's head came up; it was Percy. Before the masked man could bring the whip down again Percy grabbed the chains that were connected to his wrists and pulled himself away from the whip. He grabbed the beam that the chains were connected to, pulled himself up, and sat on it. He took a pen out of his pocket, put the cap on the bottom of it, and unlocked the chains.

He took the cap off the bottom of the pen, put it in his pocket, and as he did that the pen turned into a sword. He leaned over the edge of the beam and dropped the sword on the masked man's head. He then jumped off the beam and ran to Annabeth. He embraced her in a hug but winced when she wrapped her arms around his back.

When the video ended everyone was in pandemonium. People wanted to know if that actually happened, where it happened, why it happened. Percy walked to the microphone and took a deep breath. "Yes, that did happen. It happened in T-Tartarus or Greek Hell, and Annabeth and I aren't really sure why it happened, but we really have bad luck. Especially me." He whispered the last part.

When he finished explaining he walked back over to Annabeth, she put a hand on his lower back, and he practically crumbled in her arms. He started to silently cry into her shoulder. Annabeth ran her hands up and down his back and then took him behind the stage.

"Well I think we should watch another video, but one a little cheerier." Aphrodite proposed, and there was a murmur of agreement throughout the audience.

This video started with a piano, not being played but a just a solitary piano. Percy came and sat on the bench. He ran his hands up and down the keys, and then he started to play 'The Luckiest' by Ben Folds.

During the intro, several people started to trickle into wherever the piano was. Then he started singing, and it was amazing. I never knew that Percy had that good of a singing voice; I actually never even knew he could sing, or play the piano.

When Percy was playing the piano he didn't seem as jittery as he usually his. It's like just playing the piano cured his ADHD. Just the way he played also had a calming factor, and you could see that in the people who were around him.

When he finished the song he just stood up and left the place where the piano was. Someone ran out of the audience and grabbed his arm. "What Will?" he sighed.

"Well we want you to play another song, and um, Annabeth is coming so play one she likes." "But Will I-" "Just play one."

Percy walked back over to the piano and the audience started clapping. Then Annabeth came in from the side and sat down by Will, confused.

Then Percy started to sing 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons. Annabeth looked up from the book she was reading and smiled. She put her bookmark in and set her book down.

When the song was over Annabeth gave him a 'slow clap', and then she got up, and walked up to him. They took a short walk and ended up on a dock. "You remembered my favorite song." She stated. He nodded, "I didn't know you could play the piano?" "Yeah, only my mom did. It helps with my ADHD, I don't know why, but it does." He shrugged. "How did you know how to play that song?" "I knew you liked it so, I learned how to play it." He shrugged.

Then the video ended, and Percy and Annabeth came back in. He was crazy smooth when he wanted to be.

Again this one isn't as good the others.

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