Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, and you know the rest.

Remember, gods and goddesses don't really have DNA, and that Percy is Greek, and Jason is Roman. So they aren't cousins, they are just really good friends.

A little background before this chapter starts...

Annabeth kept her maiden name, so her name is still Annabeth Chase. Percy became a Marine Biology teacher at Goode, and Annabeth became an Architect and started her own company Chase Industries. They had five children. Charles (Charlie) and Samantha (Twins, 16), Luke (10), Leah (6), and Andrew (2). Samantha and Charlie have black curly hair, and sea green eyes with gray flecks. Luke has blonde wavy hair and gray eyes. Leah has wavy black hair and gray eyes. Then Andrew has blonde curly hair and sea green eyes.

Piper took Jason's last name, so her name is Piper Grace. Piper became a Lawyer, because of the charm speak, and Jason became a pilot. They had four children. James and Juliette (Twins, 16), Jasper (10), and Jennifer (6). James and Juliette have wavy black hair, and electric blue eyes (they look like Thalia). Jasper has brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes. Then Jennifer has blonde hair and electric blue eyes.

Calypso took Leo's last name because she didn't have one in the first place. She became a chef, and Leo became a mixture of things, blacksmith, silversmith, mechanic, and so on. They started the shop that they wanted to. They also had two children. Axel (16), and Esperanza, or just Peri (10). Axel has curly brown hair and brown eyes with a fiery quality. Then Peri has wavy caramel hair, and almond shaped brown eyes.

Will and Nico got married, and both kept their last names. Nico became an archaeologist, and Will became a Doctor. They adopted a set of twins, Marco and Maria (16). Maria and Marco have black hair and blue eyes. They look like a mixture of Nico and Will, but they are adopted.

Hazel took Franks last name, and she became a geologist, and Frank became a strategist for the army. They had two children, Marie (8), and Sammy (4). Marie has curly brown hair and golden eyes. Then Sammy has brown curly hair and brown eyes.

Samantha, Charlie, James, Juliette, Axel, Marco, and Marie, are all extremely musical. They all sing and play several instruments.

Samantha swims. Then James plays football.

Alan Frederickson's POV (James Grace's football friend)

We are stuck in school, literally. The school day was just about to end when the teachers told us that we all had to go to the auditorium since we wouldn't be able to leave the school for a while.

When I got in there I sat by my best bud James, he's the quarterback and awesome. Well the music teacher went up on the stage, "well, I know that none of you want to be here right now, but why don't we have a little fun while we're just shout out names, and the first boy and girls names that I here I will bring them up on stage."

I shouted out James's name, and I heard the rest of the football players shout out his name as well. "So, I'm hearing James Grace, and Samantha Jackson, so you to come up to the stage please."

Now let me tell you about Samantha, she is our Marine Biology teachers daughter, she is also the hottest girl in our whole school. But she is also really quiet; she only hangs out with the nerdy kids, and overall just keeps to herself.

James got on the stage and stood on the left side, well his right side, and Samantha stood on the opposite side. "Now would someone shout out a song please?" the music teacher, Mr. Sanders, asked.

Several people started shouting out names of songs, and finally, he picked one out. "Okay, I'm hearing 'Everybody Talks' by Neon Trees. I hope you both know that song." He smiled slightly and then left the stage.

James nodded to the band, and they started playing.

At first, it seemed like James just knew the song, and was singing it to Samantha, but then they started dancing, and man were they good. When they finished, Mr. Sanders came back onto the stage and whispered something in their ears. James and Samantha nodded into the audience, and then James's twin Juliette, Samantha's twin Charlie, and Axel Valdez, all came onto the stage. Those three were all like Samantha, quiet, Charlie and Juliette were dating, and music nerds along with Samantha. Axel was a shop nerd, they all hung out together.

Axel and James went backstage and came back with chairs. They sat down on them, James on the left, and Axel on the right. Samantha stood behind James, Juliette behind Axel, and Charlie in between them. Samantha and James already had microphones on. So Mr. Sanders gave the other three the same kind of microphone, then left the stage.

James's voice could go crazy low, and he was really good. I was really impressed because everyone in that group of five, was really quiet, but they all had amazing singing voices.

I hope you guys like this one, it kinda gets bad toward the end, but anyway, enjoy.

If you have read this story before, you may have realized that I took out that James and Sam play hockey but you will know why when I update chapter 20.

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