"Are you ready?"

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Zach POV

It was a very weird dream but i am pretty sure nothing will happen while i am gone. I woke up as i heard Jesse yelling "Damn it, Come on Zach we are going to miss our flight!!".

Shut up Jesse, we still have 2 hours left until it leaves ,I said. Then i heard Mikey and Brandon coming up the stairs to my room and then they came in. "Come on bro, we got to go" said Brandon
OK!! Man give me a second, as i got up and grabbed my bag i saw her shoes, HER shoes next to the bed. Man it been 6 years since me and Victoria have been going out. And man oh man how much i love her. Then, Mikey said, "You dont wanna leave huh?" Not really i said, i will miss her so much. Then Nicole, Devon and Lauren came in with Victoria (her best friends) "Hey guys" i could tell Devon was crying because her eyes were red and puffy. And then Victoria had a sad look it looked like she wanted to cry. "Hey Zeeko" said Nicole and Lauren as they took Brandon and Mikey and Devon out the room so me and Victoria could be alone.

Victoria sat on the bed and cried. I ran to her and let her cry on my shoulder for a minute or two. Then she said, I love you Zach,
I love you too babe i said then, i got up and grabbed a box from under the bed and gave it to her.

"Zach what is this?" she asked. "Just open it, i said. As she opened it up she smiled and cried at the same time. "Ohhh my god Zach i love it" It was a bracelet that said " I will always love you Victoria " as she kissed me. Jesse came in and said it was time to go. Ok, i told him.

We went downstairs and we went outside to the cars as we were driving Victoria's hand began to shake. " Baby? Are you ok?" I asked her. "Zach I don't want you to go" she said I know babe but i cant let the band down ,I said. She cried the whole way to the airport. And while we were on my way i told her i was only going to be gone for 1 month. She calmed down abit. When we got to the airport, we kissed and said "Goodbye". Then, Me and Jesse and the rest of the guys walked in and went through security and got on our plane to Russia. Jesse gave me "she will be ok look" and i took his word for it. As we lifted off a voice came through me head and said. For now she will be ok but watch when you get back. I promised i wouldn't do anything stupid while i was gone. I promised and I have to keep it.

Well like the story so far. ME TOO😘😘 I will keep you guys updated on new stories and chapters. But bear with me i have school soon so i have to prepare for that too.
Love, Brianna😉

" Let's Go To The Beach" A Zach And Jesse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now