Types of snake venom

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Venom is a form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another. Venom is injected into victims by means of a bite, sting, or other sharp body feature, which differentiates it from poison (that is absorbed, consumed, or inhaled). Venom effects can vary in potency based on the size of the animal and how much venom it injects.

1. Cytotoxic/necrotic venom

This venom destroys tissue and causes pain and swelling and eats away at the flesh. (Warning do not google images of bites if you're squeamish.) Antivenin is generally needed.

2. Neurotoxic venom

This venom as the name suggests targets the brain and causes drowsiness, blurry vision, difficulty speaking, and eventually paralysis which causes vital organs to stop. It's very fast acting and antivenin is generally needed.

3. Heamotoxic venom

This venom prevents blood from clotting causing internal bleeding. The victim will also bleed from any little cuts and mucus membranes. They will also have headaches, nausea, and may start to vomit. Antivenin is generally needed.

People don't have to worry about being envenomated as long as you learn to identify snakes and keep your distance. Snakes only bite in self defence and most will give a clear warning before they strike.

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