The S class mage

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Note: there are two Lucy's in this story, so pay attention or it'll get confusing. This is my second fanfic; the first is called Dragon Of The Stars.

Disclaimer*: I don't own Fairy Tail, a wonderful man named Hiro Mashima does.

Year X792

No one's POV

The Fairy Tail guild was as rowdy as ever when a shadow fell over the doorstep, no one looks up as a teenage girl with long golden blonde hair in two pig tails that fall to her mid thighs enters the guild. She wears a green bandana with only her fringe and two bangs that frame her face hanging out, a short sleeved white T-shirt with a Heart Kreuz logo on the front that bares her midriff while outlining her ample chest, low rise three quarter length Heart Kreuz denim jeans that show off her hips and flat bottomed brown sandals. On her hands are a pair of black fingerless Heart Kreuz gloves.

On her ears she wears a pair of small star shaped earrings, around her left wrist is a bracelet made of thin strands of intricately woven silver decorated with stars and around her waist is a brown leather belt, attached to the belt at her back is a medium sized pouch, on either hip she carries a knife and on her left hip she also wears a strange cylinder that is brown with a gold rim at either end. Around her neck, on a length of thinly braided leather cord is a star pendant made of a diamond that is an unearthly crystalline blue.

Her deep brown eyes survey the guild. Lit from within, they shine with intelligence and beauty. She walks straight to a spot at the end of the bar opposite the stairs and sits down. Her vantage point gives her an uninterrupted view of the entire room and she uses it to keep an eye on the comings and goings in the guild. Mira-Jane sees her and walks over.

"Hello, I'm Mira-Jane, but you can call me Mira." She smiles, "can I help you with anything?" the girl looks at her and shakes her head,

"No, I'm waiting for someone, but I could go for a glass of lemonade." Mira nods,


Mira walks away to get a glass of lemonade while the girl just watches and waits. She studies the guild members. Cana Alberona, the girl with long brown hair is drinking from a barrel of Sake, a blue haired girl in an orange dress sits reading a book, the name comes to her, levy, over by the request board a man stands staring at the board, that must be Nab she thinks.

"Here you go." Mira sets a glass of lemonade down next to her, she nods and smiles in thanks then lays down a few jewel in payment. Mira puts the money away then turns back to the girl.

"Mind if I ask who you're waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for some family members of mine." She says taking a sip of lemonade.

"Oh, who are they? What are their names?"

The girl suddenly sits up straight listening intently, she motions for silence.

"They're here!"

Lucy, Dragon of The HeavensWhere stories live. Discover now