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Warning: Violence

Blood streamed down the demon's hands as it smiled wickedly at the wounded man lying at it's feet. Tears of pain poured from his eyes like a fountain as blood flowed messily from where he was last hit. The demon sighed boredly as it threw the golf club across the room and replaced it with a crowbar. A bloodcurdling scream echoed around the room, creating a concert of splintering bones and trickling crimson. Laughter emitted from the creature's throat as soulless red eyes twinkled with joy.

"What did I ever do to you?" The man coughed out, blood streaming from his lips. "Who are you?"

"انا نهاية الخاص بك ."(I am your End) The demon growled, its eyes glowing with amusement as the man shakily took his last breath before continuing "بولونيوم عنصر فلزي إشعاعي"(Polonium)

"مخلوق ، لماذا قتل هذا الرجل ؟"(Why kill him?/ Why did you kill him?) A female voice called to the demon, anger clearly present.

"كان ممتعا."(It was fun.) Studying the girl carefully he added, "لماذا تسأل الضبع ؟" (Why do you ask hyena?) The girl didn't answer, instead her eyes closed. Opening them, the demon saw that they were now a glowing peach. It was if two miniature suns glared at him, in fact, they were so mesmerizing that he didn't notice the other changes. Once he did, it was too late. Before him was a large figure with spots down it's fur. A main stood menacingly on the werehyena's neck as she snapped her large, sharp teeth. The hyena charged at him, and the demon became a black mist. Sun-like eyes widened in fear as the shape shifter's mind was consumed by the demon known as Polonium.


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