Chapter 21

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Sometimes I forget I have Wattpad, so forgive me for taking forever to update this fic on here. Sometimes I need a reminder, so if any of you reading this story on here have an Instagram account, don't be afraid to drop me a message on there to remind me to update. I'm levi.eren_ and dressed_in_darkness on there. :) 

Eren's POV

"I could watch you all night."

I watched a grin form on Levi's face as my words reached him through the earpiece. He turned his back to the crowd after that and sunk down to his haunches in one slow movement, legs spread wide. Then he reached out and grabbed the bars on either side of him as he eased his way back up, rolling his hips in time with the music. When he turned around, giving me a perfect view of his face under the dim red lighting, my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't get over how confident he looked. He had changed so much since I'd first met him in that diner months ago, but then again, so had I. He blew into my life and changed me for the better, and I was proud to say that I'd done the same to him.

"I need to be inside of you right now," I said in a tone that revealed just how desperate I was to feel him beneath me. I didn't care that everyone with an earpiece in could hear me talking to him.

"For the love of all that is holy, what do I have to do to shut you up?" Mikasa spouted, her voice sharp in my ear.

I smiled. I'd been waiting for her to say something. "Bring the cages down."

"You are a pain in my ass, Eren Jaeger."

"Tell me something I don't know," I said.

She sighed, knowing she had no hopes of winning this argument anytime soon. "Fine, I'll bring them down. Consider this a small gift for you not being able to work as the head of security tonight."

"You and Armin both gifted me Levi for having to sit this one out."

"Because Levi is all you want," Armin interjected.

"True," I said, unashamed.

After the song that was playing came to an end, the cages were lowered to the stage. I plucked the earpiece out and threw it in the general direction of Jean, who looked so done with me as he scooped it up that I couldn't help but laugh. He flipped me off and I pretended to catch it. I'd dealt with enough of his and Armin's shit to last me a lifetime, so I didn't feel bad for switching it around on him for once. Not that this was the first time that Levi and I had pulled something like this, but still, he could afford to have a taste of his own medicine from time to time.

The second the cage was settled, the crowd murmuring in confusion about the sudden change of things, Levi threw open the metal door and stepped out. He hurried over to the edge of the stage and I held my arms up, more than ready to feel him against me. The way he looked in that outfit was making me impatient.

"No," he said, waving his hands to the side to indicate that he wanted me to put my arms down. "I don't want to hurt your arm. I'll get down myself."

"You have about two seconds to get your sexy ass over here."

"Your arm—"

"Times up," I said, lifting him up and throwing him over my shoulder in one fell swoop. I turned around, scanned the people in front of me, and pushed passed them without so much as an excuse me. I wasn't in the mood to be polite when it was obvious that I wanted them out of the way. If they were going to stand around and gawk at me like I'd sprouted a third head, then they deserved to get shoved aside. I could tell by their surprised gasps that they hadn't been expecting me to plow right through them, but they had no idea how worked up I was right now. Levi's teasing had pushed me over the edge hours ago.

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