LOI-Everything I Didn't Say

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(A/N: This is based from Everything I Didn't Say by 5 Seconds of Summer)

The ringing of the bells echoed in my ears as the sunlight touched my face. It is indeed a beautiful day for a beautiful event.

As I stand here carrying a bouquet of flowers, the beating of my heart is too fast that I can't catch its pace making it hard for me to breathe.

I'm nervous. Freaking nervous.

The doors of the church have finally opened signaling the beginning of the ceremony.

Well I'm already here. There's no backing out now. 'You can do it, Andrea. Smile,' I said to myself.

And so I did. I smiled as I walked down the aisle and there he is. Standing at the altar, smiling from eye to eye. The sight of him made my heartbeat more fast, faster than ever. And in an instant, I forget that there are any other people inside the church. All I can see is him. Just me and him. That is.

Can he be more any perfect?
His blonde-quiffed hair, his ocean-like eyes, his lips with a lipring at the side makes him even more attractive. Him in a suit is perfection. Himself alone is beyond perfection, I must say. I just love every little thing about him.

And I just couldn't help it. Me walking down the aisle seems like forever. How I wish I could stop time right now but I know I can't. I need to go and walk on.

As I keep walking, I felt my steps got heavier and heavier and that's how I knew it. I am close to crying actually I'm on the verge of it. I felt my hands getting colder, my heart being squeezed and one blink can make this tears fall. But nah, I have to be strong. I have to.

I'm getting nearer to him. One, two, three steps and I finally reached the other side of the aisle.

I looked at him straight in the eyes. But dang I was wrong, I shouldn't have looked at him for it only hurts me more. His eyes reflect nothing but happiness. He is really happy.

I stopped at my tracks. He smiled. The smile where his dimples are showing. The smile I love the most. And even though I'm dying inside I knew what I have to do. I smiled back. The same moment where I felt hot stream of liquid on my cheeks. Ah damn it! I am crying. Tears kept on escaping in my eyes.

I knew he noticed. That's why he pouted and mouthed me 'don't cry, you'll get ugly.' See how childish he is?

I couldn't help but laugh. A hearty laugh I should say. 'You go penguin,' I mouthed back. That's when I turned right. I turned to the place where I should be.

Where a maid of honor should be.

Cliffhanger sorry :P
Well I' ll be updating it tomorrow or maybe not because you know there's still school lmao.
For the meantime, try listening to Everything I Didn't Say by 5SOS and maybe you'll get a hint of how this story goes. And yep, I'm a proud fam hoho
andy xx

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