Chappy #5: Accepting his Mistake

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November 3rd

After I was done working and just staring at my reflection shining on the lake, I packed my stuff up and shifted then started to run back to the pack house, when suddenly, a strange smell entered my nose. This wasn't my mate's smell or anyone I knew.

It was a rouge smell.

I scanned all my surroundings, when suddenly, a big brown wolf attacked me and pushed me into a tree. An instant pain shot up my back. I had never been attacked before. The wolf quickly rammed into my left side, and shot me to the ground. I bolted myself up and pushed my paws into the wolf. Sensing anger, I quickly got up and started to run in the other direction, when the wolf suddenly grabbed me and had my paws to the floor. Struggling to get out of their grip, I tried to fight but my paws were stuck.

"Poor wolfy's stuck?! Aww. This won't hurt at all. Well, not to me." They gave a phlegmy laugh and were about to bring their paw on my head, when they were tackled by a huge black wolf. I watched as the black wolf kicked the brown wolf, and it went limp on the hard brown ground. The black wolf turned around and I looked into his electric blue eyes.

Mate. My wolf purred inside of me. I couldn't believe it was him. Why would he come and save me anyway? I thought he hated me. I was so confused, I didn't even notice him talking to me.

"Hello?! Are you even listening?" He asked me.

"Why did you save me?" I asked him. I could see his fierce face had been replaced with a new one, one that held pure shock.

"What did you just ask me? Did you just ask me why I saved you?" He reconfirmed. I nodded and then his face was back to fierce and anger. "I just saved your life, and you question me with why instead of a thank you?!"

"You didn't need to save my life! I could have handled it on my own!" I couldn't believe that I had just said that.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He yelled at me.

"I can talk to you however I want! You're not my mate! I can say whatever I want about you since you rejected me! You don't mean anything to me!" I yelled back. I looked him right in the eye and said "I Raine Harper, accept your rejection, Cameron Martin." And with that, I ran back to the pack house, leaving behind a startled Cameron.


I am soooo sorry guys! I know it's incredibly short! But I will try to have the next update by thanksgiving! Sorry!!!!

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