Chapter 1

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"GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID DOG!" I ran from the scene carrying a satchel containing food and money. "Shut shit shit shi-excuse me" I mumbled to myself as i stumbled through the crowd. Not that i needed to rush, the man was probably rolling down towards town with how fat he was.
     I stopped at a corner and hid in a horse stable. I caught my breath and peered into the satchel. There was a few coins and some bread but that was about it. I sighed and wandered back out into the street towards the corner pub.
     I scrunched up my nose as I entered. The place always smelled like alphas in here. "Oi! Shoyou, over here!" I look over and see my friend Yamaguchi Tadashi, who's a omega, like myself.
    I smile and manage to scurry through the crowd and sit at the bar. "Hey Yamagauchi, where's Tuski?" I ask as he pours a drink. "Oh, um, he's uh..n-not here.." He says and puts the drink down infront of me.
     "Oh no Yama, did you two get in a fight again?" I say exasperated. He nods solemnly and sighs. "I dunno what his deal is. I mean, he owns this place but it feels like I'm the only one running it, and every time I bring it up he just shoos me away." He cleans the bar explaining to me. You see, Yama is a very....sensitive.. Person to put simply. And when I say sensitive, I mean if you upset him and push the wrong buttons, you'll either be met with tears or possibly a hospital bed, probably because of Kei Tsukishima, the alpha that he's courting.
      Tsukki is a tall intimidating alpha who owns the pub I frequent. It's quite odd honestly. This friendship those two have. They fight a lot but somehow make up. 'Weird'
    Anyways, I grab the purse thing and dump it onto the counter as Tsukki walks in. "Go ahead, take a look." I say and lean back in the chair/stool thing smiling broadly. Everything was laid out onto the table. "Can you believe this, the guy I got it from was huge! Like, 'Gwaaaah!' He was big" laugh. I look up and see both Yama and Tsukki slightly pale. "What? What is it?" I ask tilting my head noticing that their eyes were flickering back and forth from me and behind me.
       I furrow my eyebrows and then slightly pale. 'Soldiers?' I mouth. Yama nods and gulps. I scoop everything back into the bag and calmly put the satchel on and turn around. Sure enough there were at lease ten soldiers standing there. "Are you Shoyou?" The first, obviously a alpha, asked shoving a paper with my face and unmistakably bright orange hair on the front with a wanted sign. "erm.. Well um you s-see I-" I start scratching the back of my neck with one hand nervously eyes flickering to the ground and back.
       The guards all look to each other then back to me. "Sack him." The one with the paper said as he retreats into the crowd of people in the pub. The others grab me and shoves me into a literal potato sack. 'I didn't know that you needed bags this big for potatoes' I thought to myself. 'Brilliant mind there Sho, not like we just got abducted or anything, nooo,'

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