GF 4

148 16 3

Erza didn't know why she was running.

She actually didn't have to run, because even if she stopped the person who was chasing them would just run past her.

No one could see her, so if they ended up getting caught only Gray would get in trouble. She knew she could've just stopped in her tracks, but then she would end up betraying her new friend, and she didn't want that at all.

There was something about this situation that made her feel more refreshed than ever. It was her first time acting like a rebellious teen in awhile and knowing that she was running next to someone filled her insides with happiness. Maybe it was because of how Gray smiled at her, that she didn't feel like stopping.

After about what felt like a lifetime running, the shouting behind them still failed to disappear. Erza could see by this time that Gray was on the verge of using up all of his energy for his heavy pants were the only sound that filled her ears.

She looked behind her to see the same man trying to get on their tail. The man had a well-built body and she could see various tattoos decorate either side of his arms. If they were going to keep running, this man would probably not stop until he caught them. The only method possible was to lose him.


Erza placed her hand over the raven's before slowly sliding his hand down,


A look of puzzlement crossed over Gray's face. His eyebrows creased together and his lips curved downwards.

"Are you insane!? Why are you telling me to run when the both of us need to run!?"

"Just go."

Erza placed her hands on his shoulders pushing him with all her force.

"I'll distract him so you just find a place to hide. Do you want us to get
caught? Do you want us to end up paying a fortune to that guy?"

"Hold on Erza-"

"Go and don't look back."

Erza grinned at him reassuringly. She raised her left hand up to wave at him and then she proceeded to turn around.

"Merde! That little- I'll kill you boy! Come 'ere!"

The man cursed, unaware that Erza was approaching.

The man was about to set out again for his hunt for Gray when Erza swung her fist towards the man's face real hard, sending him lying on to the concrete ground in a few seconds. The man looked around him, his eyes were wide in fear as he cursed again.

Erza glared at him and stomped a foot on his stomach so he wouldn't be able to get up.

"WHAT THE-?!!"

The man struggled to get up, but Erza's foot was still holding him down.

She bent down until her lips were close to his ear, and she let out a deadly whisper which hit the man's ear like frost.

"It's best if ya just get lost now. Eh?"

Terrified, the man struggled to lift himself up. He was lucky Erza had decided to remove her foot or he would've been crying in public by then. She could hear his whimpers as he ran off in the opposite direction in which he'd come from.

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