//PREVIEW ONE: A New Night Fury*\\

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I awake with a jolt upon hearing a ton of commotion outside, Vikings screaming and panicking. Confused, I turn to look at Scarlet, seeing she's woken up, too, and looking outside with just about the same amount of confusion I feel.

You know what's going on, Kaz? Scarlet growls, her forest green eyes eyeing back and forth from me to the commotion outside.

"I have no idea, girl," I say before sliding out of the bed and grabbing Anduril, slipping it in its custom sheath. As I'm strapping the sheath around my shoulder, my head perks up with Scarlet's upon hearing a cry we never would have thought to hear at Berk.

"Night Fury attack!" A Viking shouts, panicked. Scarlet and I look at each other, worry mirroring ourselves.

"Night Fury!?" Scarlet and I say at the same time. Well, she growls it as I say it.

Why would a Night Fury be attacking Berk? Scarlet growls, sadness prominent in her tone. I walk up to her as I strap my dagger, Ririjaeis, into its sheath, giving Scarlet a comforting pat on the neck as Hiccup comes running up the stairs.

"Toothless! Come on!" Hiccup pants, jumping into Scarlet's saddle. I watch, startled, as Hiccup clicks his prosthetic into the special pedal on Scarlet's saddle, giving it a few shifts to settle it in. As Hiccup twists the pedal, I watch Scarlet's red fake tailfin open and close accordingly to the pedal movements. It takes a second to think through my startled state, but I realize that the pedal Hiccup twists opens and closes Scarlet's prosthetic tailfin! Hiccup controls half of Scarlet's tailfin!?

"Come on, Kaz! You have more experience with Night Furies than I have gained with Toothless. And your ability will help us!" Hiccup says, snapping me out of my thoughts, his hand extended. I'm about to grab onto Hiccup's hand, until a roar from the Night Fury freezes me stone solid.

GET AWAY FOM ME! The attacking Night Fury's roar echoes throughout Berk. I look at Scarlet, terror and worry mixing my heart into disbelief. The attacking Night Fury is Tempest! But, why?

You heard that, right Kaz? Please tell me you heard that. Scarlet whines. I turn to Scarlet and Hiccup, seeing Scarlet's disbelief as well as Hiccup's confusion to my reaction.

"Kaz? Everything okay?" Hiccup questions. I pay no heed to his question as Tempest's roar echoes through my head. Shaking some sense into myself, I jump onto Scarlet's back behind Hiccup as they take off out the big opening in the room. We fly towards the chaos and see Tempest at the plaza, fending off any Viking who would dare come too close to him.

Why would Tempest be attacking? Scarlet growls, watching as Tempest fires a plasma blast at a group of Vikings, separating them instantly. We circle around undetected, until I get a crazy idea.

"I don't know, Scarlet. But could you two bring me in as close as you can?" I ask. Hiccup glances back at me like I'm asking the most ridiculous request on the face of the Archipelago.

"Okay?" Hiccup complies with my request, confused. We dive close, still remaining undetected, until we're close enough to the ground.

"Right here's good," I say quickly, worrying we may get too close. Hiccup and Scarlet jerk to a hover before I stand up on Scarlet's back.

Kaz? What are you doing? Scarlet growls, looking back at me. I don't respond to her, but instead, I slide off of Scarlet's back, falling towards the plaza ground. KAZ! Scarlet roars. I hit the ground with a grunt and roll to break most of my fall.

"Stay back!" I shout, turning my back to the Vikings, who jump back in surprise to my sudden airborne appearance. Tempest jerks his head towards me, his eyes to a dangerously thin pupil. "Tempest?" I question softly, watching the obsidian purple Night Fury with caution.

Who are you? Tempest growls at me, his throat drowned in rage. I steadily hold a hand out towards Tempest, hoping to calm him down some.

"It's me, Tempest. Don't you remember me?" I say lightly, my voice shaky with fear. Tempest snaps out at my hand, making me jerk it back against my chest.

Why in Valhalla would I remember a Viking? Tempest growls, his nostrils flaring at me. This isn't like Tempest. Not at all.

"I'm not a normal Viking. Come on, Tempest," I start. I take a breath, deciding against the many voices in my head not to say what's on my mind. Time to break a secret. "Surely you wouldn't forget your own brother. Would you?" I ask Tempest, hoping this'll snap him. I hear a chorus of gasps and confusion from the Vikings around us, watching everything unfold.

B- Brother? Tempest grumbles, his eyes dilating slightly. It's working! Time to keep it up.

"Yes, Tempest. Brother. Come on, Tempest. Please! It's me! Kaz! Surely you wouldn't forget your own family. Would you?" I cry, my voice starting to crack up. It looks like I'm getting to him!

Kaz? No. I only lived with my species! Tempest growls, his eyes dilating thin again. Dang. Didn't work. Time for plan B.

Tempest! Come on! That's not true! I growl, roaring slightly. Tempest's killer glare turns to shock as he flinches some at my roaring. Yeah. That's right. There's only one human that you know with the ability to speak the dragon tongue! Nevertheless actually understand it! I growl, authority showing in my dragon voice. Tempest is starting to cringe slightly.

N- No! I- I never had a brother. Tempest growls. Crap. This is working, though.

"I'm your adopted brother, Tempest. Mom brought me home during a raid on my homeland island, Nashvlekata. You taught me yourself how to speak and understand the Dragon Tongue. Remember? I helped you win races against Scarlet. Toothless. Levsh bvashel (You remember)? Yeah, remember that? Our language?" I say. I can't believe I just told pretty much my entire life. I notice Tempest's eyes fighting to stay dilated as he sways, but he's not affected enough. I'm not getting to him. Taking no second thoughts, I run up to Tempest and throw my arms around his neck. "I was the one to warn you and Scarlet of the Screaming Death when that pack of Whispering Deaths was attacking Vulcel Isle. You must remember me," I say, my voice catching as I feel a tear form out of the corner of my eye. After a few heart-pounding moments, my stomach jumps as I feel Tempest bow his head over my shoulder and wrap a wing around my back.

K-Kaz. Tempest growls. I break the hug and look at Tempest. His eyes are back to normal.

Okay. So, here's a little fic I wrote a long time ago. And you all seem to want to see it, so here's a little look at it! Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Or, in this case, preview! Peace for now!

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