Part 7

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2 years later.......

I am currently standing next to my little Angel as we stare down at what used to be Konoha.I bring my arm up and wrap it around her shoulders, than pull her in front of me and rest my head on her shoulder as I whisper in her ear.

"I've helped you with your vengeance, now you hold up your end of the deal."Than I lick her ear.I see her visibly shiver.She leans back into my chest as I tighten my hold on her.Over the past 2 years she has fallen for me and I can tell she has.She no longer fights back, goes against me in anything, or tries to run away.In fact I've caught her saying she loves me in her sleep.I shake my head out of my thoughts and look down at her to see her dozing off into sleep.

'Hm, it seems the destruction of Konoha finally brought her peace.'I thought while nuzzling her.I placed a small, gentle kiss on her neck and whispered in her ear.

"Sleep, Angel.Its been a while since you last slept properly."She nods slowly and her eyelids finally close completely.

Ever since Konoha's betrayal, Sakura can't sleep unless she is extremely tired out and even when she does sleep, she's always crying in her sleep.

There are a few who survived the destruction of Konoha.Half of the Konoha 12, shizune, the sensies and a few other random shinobi.They ran away swearing they'll take us down and me and Sakura just let them run.But at the last second Sakura and I threw 2 chakra rods and they struck true.Naruto was pinned to a tree by both his hands.While he was still dazed I had knocked him out and right now he's on the ground behind me.

When Sakura fell asleep I gently picked her up bridal style and summoned one of my other Pein bodies.I had him pick up Naruto and throw him over his shoulder.Then we headed off towards Amegakure.

1 year later...........

We have finally won the war.The 5 Great Nations put up a good fight but there wasn't much they could do against the Tailed Beasts.We had killed the Kages and are now splitting up the land between the Akatsuki members.We decided to have each team play as a Kage for a Great Nation.Kisame and Itachi got Fire Country, Hidan and Kakuzu got Water Country, Sasori and Deidara got Wind Country and Stone Country, while Zetsu and Tobi got all the smaller Countries. Meanwhile me and Sakura will be kind of like the elders and give them permission on certain things.

10 months later........

Sakura gave birth to our new son.He has my hair and Rinnegan but I have a feeling he's going to act a lot like his mother.We had gotten married 3 months ago and now we also had a son.When we got married, Sakura took my last name.We had also decided to name our son Toshi.So we have; Pein Ame, Sakura Ame, and Toshi Ame.I'm happy to know that this is my family and no one will ever take them away from me.

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