Barbados-part 3

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Drake POV

I was leaving today had already packed and will be leaving after lunch.  Yesterday was my last full day that I would be spending with Robyn and her family aswell as Mel. It was almost lunchtime and I started packing because I was going back to New York. It was cold over there so I changed into the right clothes for the weather it was snowing.

I walked into Robyn's bedroom because I wanted to say my last goodbye.

She was lying  down on her bed reading a magazine. I layed onto  her back Robyn I'm going in three hours. My car has already been sent and so has some if my clothes my car and clothes were going back to Toronto while I'm going New York. 

Meanwhile I was on top of Robyn  taking  to her, her mum walked in. I quickly rolled off Robyn's backside and just laid next to her.

"Aubrey I have packed some of my home made fruit punch and some food  in your bag so you can take with you" Robyn's mum said.

"Thank you." I replied.

"You two don't do anything dirty behind my back." she said.

Why does Robyn's mum keep treating us like were teenagers we're old enough to do what we want to do I said to myself.

As she walked out the room I closed the door slowly and continued speaking to Robyn.

Rihanna POV

I was in my bed with Aubrey actually no, with my boyfriend reading a magazine. I was happy he was becoming more successful. He needs to follow his schedule so he has to leave.

"I don't want you to think I'm just leaving you we can Skype everyday if you want to." he whispered.

I put my magazine down looked at him a tried to put a fake smile on. I took his top of and looked at his abs I see that you workout.

"I can't go without us having a bit of fun" he said trying to seduce me.

He pulled the covers up over my head. He pulled down his pants and climbed onto me.

"Uhh you know how to put in down" he moaned.

My head was in between his legs and he started to shove it down my throat.

I realized he had a tattoo on his thigh, nice tattoo I said.

"It's a scorpion because my zodiac sign is a Scorpio and your a pieces aren't you." he replied.

Yeah I am. I could hear my mum walking towards my room. Aubrey quick run into the bathroom she can't she was doing this. He pulled his trousers up.

*Knock* *knock* "Robyn open the door I have your iPad." she said  urgently.

Hurry up she's coming in I had to quickly.  push him in the bathroom even though he wasn't fully changed.

"Where is Aubrey I thought he was in here."she asked.

"He's in the bathroom"  I didn't want her to see or know what we were doing because shes strict on what I do with my boyfriend.

She came in and passed me my iPad and I put it to one side and then she left. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at the time.

"Baby it was fun but I have to go my crew are waiting for me outside in the coach." he said and kissed me goodbye.

Drake POV

I sat in the coach this vacation has been better than I would have expected. I got the girl of my dreams. We set off going back to the airport Barbados is a beautiful place off the tall palm trees and blue skies. 'I should move out here' I thought to myself. I saw Robyn looking out the window waving goodbye and blowing kisses.

Rihanna POV

Aubrey has been gone for the last hour.  was eating my lunch when my phone started ringing.There was something strange about this phone call it made me shiver. I slowly picked up my phone  answered  it was Chris Brown how the f*ck  did he get my number.

"Hey I heard your with Drake (only friends or family call Drake, Aubrey) I'm fine with that I just want to know if you did anything with him." he asked.

It has nothing to do with you I replied

"Just answer the damn !!question." he said and started to raise his voice.

Yes I did he's my boyfriend and so much better than you now,  I answered your question you have to answer mine, Are you still with Karru....he put the phone down.  I knew he wasn't happy with me being with Aubrey.

I suddenly remembered what Aubrey told me when we were in the Jacuzzi. I started to panic when I realized Chris is after my boyfriend. I tried to phone him but it went to voicemail because he was in the jet flying back to New York. I was pacing up and down the kitchen my heart beat sped up, NO NO WHY IS HE DOING THIS !! I yelled and dropped to the floor and  cried.

I started to fear for his life because I know what Chris is capable of doing, he is a monster.



Drake, Rihanna Chris Brown (Aubrih)Where stories live. Discover now