Ch.2 Proper Introductions

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Chapter Two

A bright stream of sunlight had managed to pass between some trees and decided to wake me from my deep slumber, I could tell it was sunlight since the places it hit had spread warmth throughout my body.

Slowly opening one eye and then the other I noticed that my environment has changed drastically than the one I was in earlier. Confusion struct me and my first thoughts were: I was completely alone, Killian and Liam were no where to be seen, my wound had disappeared. Beyond frightened I stumbled quickly to get up on both feet.

"There's no reason to be scared."

Jumping at the sudden voice I turned around to be faced with the same boy I had first encountered when I arrived with Killian and Liam. Also the very last face I saw before collapsing.

Watching his facial expressions up close I could see the smug look and tell that he was very pleased to frighten me.

"Did mummy ever tell you that not responding to someone is downright rude." The boy began to walk around me in circles constantly looking me up and down as if he were judging me.

If there was anything I've learned from growing up with boys it was to hold my head high and stand tall, even if the other is far more intimidating. Holding my head high I returned his statement with a glare.

He simply raised an eyebrow at me and laughed straight in my face. "Those old fools you call brothers left but do not fret my little flower you will see your poor Killian again."

To say I was astounded would be a very large understatement. "Complete rubbish! Never ever would they leave me here alone. . .especially with some despicable git as you!" A sudden surge of anger pushed through me and the need to harm the boy crossed my mind. Without a second thought my arm swiftly had reached out to punch him. Sadly he was swift enough to dodge it.

Shaking his head slightly with a small smirk placed on his face he responded. "Now why would I lie? There is hardly any reason to do so. Think back to what happened when you arrived, to the time on that hill, and seeing the shrubs of dreamshade. Think very hard."

It took me awhile to remember but things came rushing back as if a running horse had suddenly struck me. "Me and Liam placed the plant between our skin, Liam fell to the ground, and soon before losing consciousness I saw your pestering face looking straight towards me."

"Well you at lease have small bits and pieces of detail. Making this short and straight to the point darling, I was right you were wrong. The plant is quit deadly and both you and your brother would have died if I had not felt generous. I told your dear brother Killian there was a valid cure and he said he would sacrifice anything to cure the both of you. But the use of magic always has a small price to pay and that small price was. . .you. Presently you will stay on this island however long I will like you to be. Now come along we have to get a move on."

Pan, what I will call him even if there are more suitable words that would represent him, began to walk through the dense mass of trees. In contemplation I wondered if I could escape the island by swimming.

Stoping mid-step he realized that I had not yet moved a single inch. "There is also no chance of escape, yes that does include swimming. Come along darling, you need to get a move on before something decides to snatch you." Giving a nasty scowl towards him I rushed to his side. Once more he started walking towards who bloody knows where.

"We never did get a proper introduction. As you know my name is Peter Pan, I have yet know what yours is." He said while ducking under a branch that I also ducked under. "My name is Danielle." This was technically the truth since it was my name just not the beginning of it.

"Liar liar pants on fire." Pan sing songed. He kept walking until he turned right towards a tree for what felt like hundredth time. Reaching the tree there was no one in sight. Within a blink of an eye I was suspended in air with my back arched against a tree and a tight hold placed on my neck, out of instinct I began to kick and scratch at the hand holding me. "I do not like liars and do not like someone lying straight to my face. Let's just put the lies behind us and you can tell me your actual name because we will end up spending alot of time with each other." He scolded as he tightened the hold around my neck as what I assumed was a warning.

"So what is your real name?" Pan questioned once more but this time it was more menacing. This somehow had reminded me of a time when Davy asked me if I stole his biscuit when we were kids but his actions and tone were far less vicious.

"Janelle Jones." I replied gasping for air as he removed his hands. Falling to the ground I attempted to even out my breaths.

"Good Janelle. Speed it up camp is up ahead," he said. Pan could go from a somewhat kind gentleman to a completely foul wanker. He walked down a small trail path and into an opening where there truly was a camp set up.


Hey Guys! Sorry bout this note I know a lot of people hate it but I need to have feedback on how I'm doing so far. So if you can write a comment below that would be great.


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