Chapter 1

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(Zach added Lacy to the chat)

Weston- ayeee
Mario- yoooo
Zach- heyyyy
Lacy- hi
Hunter- who's that ^^
Brandon- ^^
Geo- ^^
Nick- ^^
Edwin- ^^
Lacy- I can just tell y'all my name if you would want
Blake- awe I wanted to put ^^ also
Hunter- yessss please and Blake really
Lacy- it's lacy now calm yo tits
Weston- haha Hunter she told you
Blake- yes Hunter I had to
Nick- trueeeee westy
Zach- ah hell no
Geo- wtf Zach
Brandon- are y'all high or something??!
Weston- Brandon stfu
Brandon- 😱
Lacy- awe is poor Brandon hurt
Brandon- yes
Hunter- Brando man up bro
Zach- GUYS
Nick- what now
Zach- don't we all wanna know what Lacy looks like
Edwin- yeahhh
Lacy- I don't even know y'all why should I send I picture of me to y'all
Geo- well we are kinda fabulous
Weston- no we all know that's me and Mario who are the fabulous ones
Mario- yesss #meston duhh
Nick- will you please show us what you look like
Edwin- ^^
Hunter- ^^
Brandon- ^^
Lacy- ok ok just stop.
(Picture above also pretend they don't know Loren in this)
Weston- ohh hot mama
Lacy- ok just don't seriously
Mario- well who do you like in this chat 😏
Hunter- yeah tell us
Edwin- please
Brandon- please
Nick- pretty please
Blake- pleaseeeeee
Zach- yeah tell us
Lacy- I will if y'all stop
Weston- yayy
Lacy- I fell in love with a lip singer every time she posts yeah she gets featured
Nick- yo that's my song
Zach- hey mine to bro
Nick- oops I forgot 😒
Hunter- now tell us
Lacy- ok ok
Brandon- your not getting out of this one
Edwin- we won't leave you alone til you tell us
Zach- is Blake still here
Blake- yeah I'm just reading this stuff is interesting
Lacy- I like 2 people
Weston- who
Lacy- Zach and Weston

(Hunter left the chat)
(Blake added Hunter to the chat)
Lacy- guys I have to tell y'all a secret
Hunter- what is it
Weston- ^^
Zach- ^^
Edwin- ^^
Nick- ^^
Blake- ^^
Mario- ^^
Geo- ^^
Lacy- ok stop that seriously
Geo- tell us now
Lacy- I'm in love wth 5quad
Zach- I'm in that bro
Nick- me too
Edwin- me three
Hunter- me four
Brandon- me five
Blake- me six
Geo- me seven
Weston- me eight
Lacy- guys stfu I know y'all aren't in 5quad
Nick- no really Zach, Edwin and I are in 5quad
Lacy- wait are you serious
Weston- yes they are being serious
Lacy- wow that's so cool
Hunter- I know I'm friends with them 😊
Lacy- no one cares
Hunter- ouch salty
Brandon- Hunter sush
Mario- yeah Hunter
Lacy- well I'm ping to bed guys goodnight
Zach- love you
Weston- love you
Nick- love you
Hunter- love you
Brandon- love you
Geo- love you
Edwin- love you
Blake- love you
Mario- love you
Lacy- love y'all too now shut up I'm going to bed I have school tomorrow
Hunter- oh sorry love ya beautiful night
Zach- Hunter she said shut up
Lacy- both of y'all shut of please and thank you

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