Chapter 17

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Lacy- hey y'all
Zach- yes?
Hunter- it's so early
Brandon- it's freaking noon Hunter
Edwin- Lacy do you need something
Lacy- can't I just text my best friends
Weston- well with guy no
Mario- I just made a dollar
Nick- I think I'm the oldest here
Blake- you are the oldest
Lacy- will y'all do me a favor
Mark- there she goes
Weston- what is it
Edwin- 🍆
Mario- dead
Hunter- 🍆
Lacy- 🍆
Mario- 🍆
Blake- 🍆
Weston- 🍆
Zach- 🍆
Edwin- 🍆
Mark- 🍆
Brandon- 🍆
Lacy- but will y'all do me a favor
Hunter- I guess
Lacy- okay will some of y'all or all of y'all send me one of your sweatshirts
Brandon- sure
Zach- sure
Edwin- sure
Weston- hell no
Lacy- why not
Weston- I'm keeping my sweatshirt I ain't giving you shit
Hunter- lmao Weston
Lacy- .... well u gotta go anyway bye y'all
Mark- bye Lace
Edwin- *clown emoji*
Nick- smfh
Mario- wow Edwin just wow

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