Chapter 6

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Lacy- guys I love this picture (picture above)
Weston- eww my face
Zach- I look good 😏
Geo- cocky much
Brandon- oooo
Nick- I look like a doll
Lacy- I want ice cream
Edwin- me too
Hunter- Edwin when aren't you hungry
Lacy- be nice to my husband
Mario- ooo
Blake- holy cows
Nick- holy banana sundae cream pies
Edwin- ok nick you need to stop
Jacob- well at least someone finally told him
Geo- well now he'll never learn guys
Brandon- wdym
Lacy- ohhh when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no
Zach- what do you mean woah what do you mean
Lacy- better make up your mind
Zach- what do you mean
Hunter- wtf just happened
Mario- Justin Bieber just happened
Lacy- damn right Justin Bieber just happened
Zach- honestly you guys should be jealous
Weston- be jealous if what stupid Justin Bieber 😏
Geo- you shouldn't have done that
(Lacy and Zach have left the chat)
Hunter- look what y'all did
Brandon- should I add them back
Blake- let's wait a little bit
Nick- like a half an hour so they can cool down
Edwin- that's along time
Jacob- it's probably for the best
Blake- true
(Brandon added Mark to the chat)
Mark- ayeeeeee
Geo- sup
Brandon- bro what's your problem
(Jacob left the chat)
Edwin- ok what the heck is happening
(Blake added Lacy and Zach to the chat)
Lacy- sooooo
Zach- y'all gonna apologize
Weston- fine I'm sorry
Geo- I didn't do anything
Hunter- sorry baby and zachyyyyyy
Mario- I sowy
Brandon- dot be a baby
Mark- ahhh I like that name zachyyyyy
Lacy- ooo is that the so called famous Mark Thomas
Mark- yessssss girly that's me
Hunter- ayeee Mark
Lacy- I would love to stay and chat but I'm going to take a nap so peace ✌️

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