Blue Beetle and Impulse

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(Ranbowfut gave it some dialogue X3)
Blue: Dude. You stole my frozen cheese whizzer.
Impulse: In the future, it's called scavenging nights.
So, I've been obsessing over Young Justice a little lately, as you might have noticed. So I decided to draw some of my favorite characters, blue beetle and impulse. I used a reference, though it's not exact. I'm pretty proud of the lineart, because usually my inking skills are not the best. And I used my way of shading, mainly because I'm using colored pencils instead of a digital device. And the pencils give it a sort of grainy effect, which isn't the best, but whatever. Otherwise, I really love how it turned out!
Dude, you guys have to watch young justice. I need a season three. Like right now. D: I'm dying . . . Because there's nothing else to watch but avatar, and I've seen all those five thousand times . . . Bleh

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