Chapter Three: New Students and Dildo's.

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Its been a day since I was let out of the hospital but mum is making me go to school. Since yesterday, she had come in with an array of colourful pills that are supposed to make me 'happy.'

Theirs yellow ones, blue ones and green ones. I get a cup and fill it up with water from the sink in the bathroom and take one of each of the tablets. Reading the box, I see that it says only one per day. But hey, for that extra kick why wouldn't I take two? And down they go.

The drive to school was quick, we don't live far away from the school. I get out of my red jeep and make my way up the stairs to my locker. As I do I feel eyes on me, and as I look around I see everyone I walk pass staring at me.

I squirm, I hate people looking at me and this is just a bad feeling. They all know what happened a few days ago. I continue walking to my locker with my head down. The feeling of them all looking at me makes me feel dizzy. Finally at my locker, I lean on it for support. I feel nauseous and nervous. Not a good combination. I then put it my locker combination..

The feeling leaves though I still now had of the student body is looking at me. I look at my planner, still trying to ignore them and realise I have maths first up.

"Fucking hell," I whisper to myself. Maths is fine, I just really can't be bothered working with numbers right now.

Better than english though. I think. Though my small amount of thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of heels clicking on the ground. The rhythm is completely in sink. Turning around I see that walking towards me are the bitches of this school. They all have blank faces, but their eyes send chills down your spine. Thy're cold and lifeless. Those girls have nothing to them, they're just what you see on the outside. Because they are literally cold blooded.

I smile at them, sarcastically which earns a small smile from Jo. Though she's friends with them, and is a complete bitch, she would be the best one out of them. But I still don't trust her. Kody and Liv glare at me, standing right in front of me whilst Jo and Isabel stand behind them. Lauren goes around to my side blocking me from escaping from the left and then Emily on my right. No where for me to go.

"Get out," Isabel yells at everyone. The hallways empty out and I'm completely left alone with them.

"Hello girls," I smile, my voice coming out more confident then I feel, because, honestly, right now I'm shitting myself.

"Hello honey," Liv says sweetly, "we missed you so much, didn't we girls?"
"So much," Emily whispers in my ear, "I missed our fun."

"Hmmm, yeah me too," whispers Lauren in my other ear, "would ya like to have some fun?"

Kody laughs, "Of course she would." Though she laughs I can hear a threat to the words.

"Oh what fun shall we have?" I ask, keeping my voice confident so they don't think I'm weak.

"Well, Phoebe, theirs a new student at the school," Isabel speaks coming forward.

Jo follows, "Yeah, apparently she got a scholarship, probably smart. Oh shit, whats her name again?"
"Jordyn," Liv smiles. Though these girls are all beautiful, they have a thing for making me do stuff to people, sorry 'fun' stuff to people that usually ends in a lot of pain. For them. This is what really hurts me, I can't do it, but if I don't, I know they will and what they would do would hurt more than what I would. Once I refused to something for them, they wanted me to get with a guy only so I could tie him up and cut off some of his fingers, I think his name was Charlie. I refused. The next day he was found dead. They had killed him. Thats when I learnt what I would do to them would be better than death because I'm pretty sure the alternative of cutting his fingers off was cutting them off and a few extra hard body parts. (PUN ALERT, SORRY X)

"Well come on then," Emily says in my ear, her and Lauren grab me by the arms and take me towards the girl.

"Whats in store for me today?" I ask, hoping this poor girl doesn't have anything to bad coming her way.

"Well, I found this in my mums closet today," Kody says as she looks around in her bag, then she pulls out a dildo.

"Fuck, no," I say, "that's not happening."

"Well, if you don't, I'm sure Liv would love to," Lauren yells at me.
"Yeah, doesn't sound to bad, except she'd enjoy it a lot less." Liv says, smirking.

"Whats that thing I was talking about earlier?" Issa asks.

"Oh I remember!'" Emily sequels with mock excitement, "if you do it to hard, you can tear their ass hole. Then they won't be able to shit again."
"Yeah, I feel like Liv won't be to gentle, maybe you should do it." Jo says.

I look at them all and grab the dildo, I'm screwed and I know it. This Jordan girl is not going to like whats coming.

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