Chapter Seven: Changing things up.

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Walking into the bathroom in front of them all, I sit down on a chair that had been already placed their. Of course, they'd planned this.

"Make-over time," Liz squeals.

They start with my face, I can't see what they're doing, they've faced me away from the mirror. The make-up goes on thin to start, but as time goes on I feel it getting thick. I barely ever where make-up, maybe some BB cream, but thats mostly it. Then, I feel someone brushing my hair. Its long, blonde and soft. Probably not going to be that for long, I think.

Moments later, I hear the scissors snip closed and my hair get slightly lighter. Kody is standing behind me cutting my hair. I try turning my head, but Emily grabs my jaw.

"If you move she won't be able to cut straight," she says.

I grit my teeth and allow them to cut my hair. When Kody's finished, she walks in front of me and shows me all the hair she just cut out. My eyebrows furrow, theirs barely any.

"You didn't cut much tho?" I ask.

"Didn't want to," she smiles.

Moments later, I hear Lauren mumble, "wet hair and then apply.."

What the fuck, I think. Soon though I feel my hair being wet with cold water, it makes me shiver and create goosebumps that go all the way along my arms. A strong smell, I recognise fills my nose.

"Hair dye," I breath out, "fuck."
Hopefully they don't choose something stupid like red. I'd rather kill myself then be a ranga, no offence to rangas though. The dye coats my hair and I can feel them rubbing it into my scalp, I'd be lying if it didn't feel good. A strand of hair falls into my vision and I gasp, my hair is being died black. Jet black. For fuck sake these girls are crazy. How am I supposed to explain my hair to my parents, they will notice this and I'll get in major trouble. I relax though, I don't want them to know how much this bothers me, even though they know it will annoy me a lot.

A few minutes later, I'm aloud to get up and look in the mirror. I gasp, the black hair makes me look like a different person, I like it though. My hair is still full of dye and stuff. That means we will have to wait for it to set then wash it off. We only have to wait twenty minutes though I see as I look a the box, I also see that this is semi permanent. Well, this wont be coming off for a few months.

Approximately twenty minutes later I'm aloud to wash out the hair dye and the caked make up on my face. In the shower the excess dye washes off turning the water black, its as cool as when you get your period and the water turns red from your blood. That is honestly my favourite thing in the world. It calms me, if that makes sense.
"Get out of the fucking shower," someone yells from outside.
"Fucking hell," I whisper, I was having a great time.

I get out, wrapping a towel around my body and another around my hair. I dry myself and then put my pyjamas on, but keep the towel on my hair. I walk out to where everyone is sitting.

"Lets order a pizza," Isabel suggests, I nod along with all of them, I'm so hungry.

Issy puts the phone on speaker after dialling the number to Domino's.

"Hello, Domino's Pizza, what can I get you today?" A dull voice asks.

"Hey, can we get one large hawaiian pizza and another large meat lovers pizza?" Jo asks.

"yep, anything else?" She asks.

"nope," Jo says popping the p.

"Are you picking this up or is it getting delivered," the lady asks, still sounding like she'd like to hang up.

"Delivery to 23 Sage street," Jo says and then hangs up. She can be so rude sometimes.

"Show us your hair," Liv asks me, though its mostly a demand.

I pull off the towel and let the hair come out over my shoulders.

"Looks like shit," Kody speaks up, though I know it looks good, she's just jealous that I pull it off so well.

"Thank you," I smile sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me," she snaps.

"I'm not," I reply calmly.

This makes her angry and so she slaps me hard across the face. My head falls to the side but I lift up and show her it doesn't affect me.

"Bitch," she mumbles as she walks off. 

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