The camp of droids

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As they stopped resting they kept moving toward a stream of smoke as they approached they were warned by an alarm system made by rusty old parts but they told the alarm system they were friendly and looking for a place to stay for a couple of days. Do they let them in then a huge droid named the replacer for a simple reason he replaces rusty droids with other parts when he saw them he asked do you guys need some help they answered yes we do. So he replaced the droideka's broken leg with a better one. The R9 wasn't that messed up so he didn't need any new parts but he did get some armor for protection. The next 2 days they looked for more parts then they where allowed to stay 1 more day then they all heard a loud sound of screaming so they had to check it out it was the creature from the cave but he brought some friends with him now they must defend against these weird creatures in the next chapter.

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