The scavenger

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After the fight they all went inside the camp. Then a droid said they seen a flash of light coming very close to them so they ran away. They said they seen a claw it seemed to want that droid so everyone stay alert next couple hours later they heard a droid screaming so they all went to go check it out when they got there they all seen a very bright light they said who's there then one of them gets stunned then they all fall down. R9 wakes up he is in a cage of some sort he tries to get out but then he gets shocked trying to get out then a mysterious figure approaches his cage he says your worth a lot of credits hahahaha as for the rest of you, you all are only wort a couple hundred credits which isn't much but I'll be selling the R9 for a lot more. You know they don't make any other models of the R9 you must be the last one I'm glad I fount you droids on that toxic world. How did you droids get on that world anyways the replacer answers I woke up there I was rusting near a lake of acid in till a builder droid helped me up so from then on we built traps, sensors and cameras so we would know who's out there we don't know how we got there. Well replacer you could be a butler droid or slave if you don't answer to them you will be shot on sight but don't worry I don't think that's going to happen next thing we heard was a droids voice say hey hey you I can help you just give me a second to turn off the grid of the lasers then I'll get you out whoa your a R9 model your worth a lot of credits you know that so when we get out I'll replace your parts to look like a R1 so you won't get noticed by people OK I got you out wait R9 beeps saying we need to get droideka out of here to OK let's go find him and the others.

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