Chapter 5

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It's lunch time and Liz sees that Luke is at a tablet surrounded, but girls fluting and touching she didn't like that. When Kyda gets there and she sees that Liz is upset she told her. " Go up to him a break up with him now if you are pregnant you will tell him that you don't want him in your child's life please I don't want you to be treated like crap you deserve some one better. Remember that guy that you had a crush on he was so sweet why don't you try him"
" I don't want to date really, but I am going to break up with Luke because I'm done with his bullshit, but can you come with me please?" Asked Liz. "Of course babe." Kyda followed her to likes table. "Luke we need to talk now!" Demanded Liz. "Okay first of all you stupid bitch you don't talk to me like that" he scream. " Whatever I'm not your bitch I'm nothing I'm leaving and I'm breaking up with you!" respond Liz " YOU ARE NOT BREAK UP WITH ME YOU LITTLE SLUT" scream luke. He was about to hit her, but then Justin blocked her and Justin punched Luke in the face. "YOU HAVE NOT FUCKING RIGHT TO HIT A WOMAN" screamed Justin. " Fuck you man get the fuck out of here!" laughed Luke. " No I'm not leaving until you leave." said Justin keep Liz safe behind him.  "Fine I'll leave, but Liz you won't have your body guard around at all times I will get you bitch!" said Luke. "Thank you so much for standing up for me" Liz said thankfully Justin was the guy that she had a crush on a long time ago. He was tall with curly hair, hazel eyes, a perfect jaw line and his body was perfect.
To be continued lets see how Justin turns out. If u have any questions or u don't like some parts of my story tell me if u have an idea tell me please I hope u guys like it

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