[46]: Why Her?

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"We'll leave you to it." Josh says quietly as they all headed towards me and out the door. Lucy and Em hugged me as they walked past me.

"You better come see us before you go home babe." Em whispered and I nodded hugging them before closing the door behind me.

"Looks like you've got some explaining to do." I say to Blake who looks so ashamed of himself nodding.

"Babe I..." he began but I cut him off. "Don't you dare call me babe."

I walked over to his sofa and sat down and he sat on the opposite one.

"I'm sorry." He whispered actually looking up from his feet and looking at my face.

"For what exactly are you apologising for?" I snapped at him again and he stood up and sighed running his hands through his hair.

"For everything that happened last night."

"And what happened exactly?"

"Are you really going to make me say it?" he asked looking sorry for himself


I heard him mumble something but I couldn't tell what.

"What was that Blake?"

"I fucked up okay."

"That's putting it lightly." I reply angrily.

"I'm sorry I kissed some girl." He said louder looking at me

"Some girl...SOME GIRL?" I stood up and pushed him away from me. "WHY LEAH?"

"What?"he gasped.

"Why Leah...out of everyone you could cheat on me with...why her Blake?Why her?" I whispered feeling my strong exterior break away.

"How did you know it was her?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not really...I guess." he sighs moving towards me, attempting to touch me.

"Well I fucking saw you together." I shouted pushing at his bare chest. I didn't want him anywhere near me.

"What? How? When?" he asked, looking even more scared than before.

"I saw you in Zooske last night. You didn't come and pick me up like you said you would, so I was texting you asking where you were but you were ignoring me. Then I get a message from you saying you were at the club so I jumped in a taxi to come see you as did the others.But when I got there I still couldn't find you, then after a while I came out the toilets and heard you talking." I say pausing for a second, trying to control my emotions. "You said 'come here babe' so I thought you'd spotted me and wanted me to go over to you. So I followed your voice only to see you pressed up against a wall with her underneath you."


"Don't Blake."

"I'm so sorry."

"What the hell did I do for you to cheat on me Blake? Was everything you ever said to me a lie...was this just a way to hurt me because of our argument and I hurt you?"

"No...no it's nothing to do with that."

"Then why did you?" I screamed at him tears falling down my cheeks. "Why did you break my fucking heart?"

Blake sighed and sat down on the sofa I was on pulling me down with him. I made sure that there was a gap between us though.

"I'll start from the beginning." Blake began and I nodded. "You want a drink first? Or breakfast?"

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