[30]: Battle of the Sexes - Round 2

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"They're cheating." Will shouted as the first round began.

"No we're not." I shouted back grinning at him and the boys. Just like the club at the beginning of the holiday we had to drink all of our drinks as fast as we could through a straw. Our drinks consisted of a mixture of sex on the beach, sambuka and champagne. I'd gone first being team captain verses Blake who was the boys team captain; we were now on our seventh girl whilst the boys had just got onto their sixth. The lad after Will threw up after downing his drink which made them had a five second penalty.

"DONE." Lisa shouted as we finished our tenth drink.

"Ahhhh for fucks sake." One of the lads shouted making all us girls laugh.

On my team there was, Me, Sabrina, Fern, Robyn, Emily, Lucy on one side along with four other random girls called Jodie, Beth, Kyla and Khloe. I was rather drunk now so I couldn't remember which girl was who; I'll call them one, two, three and four instead. Then there was Blake, Josh, Tom, Will, Alex, Jacob and four random lads who were Grant, Sam, DJ and Mike.

The second round we lost as we had to do five push ups each the quickest. We barely made it four girls when the lads had finished. Third round went to us girls who passed down eighteen ice cubes in ninety seconds and the lads six. It was best of five so if we won this round then we'd win the game but if the lads did then the final round would be the decider.

This next round was a dance off and I knew obviously that the 4 Star boys could dance seeing as half of their songs had kick ass dance routines to them. Especially Blake, he was a great dancer, but so were us girls, with us being professional and all. Everyone who was watching made a circle for us and the music began. I'd never laughed so hard in my life; some of the moves the lads pulled were beyond ridiculous. But then again the other girls on our team pulled some slutty moves. At the end of the round the lads had won...somehow I don't know.

So the final round now was a chant off, a battle of who could shout something at the other team winning the competition. Each team had two minutes to come up with two chants to shout at each other. So me and the other girls hurried off to our corner do think some up.

"Anyone got any ideas for this?" Khloe of the girls asked?

"I can't think," I giggled "But I want to win."

"I've got it." Robyn grinned looking at us all. "Mads, you remember the chants we learnt in Kavos?" Robyn asked me and a huge grin appeared on my face.

"Oh my god yes, we have to use them." I laughed, why didn't I think of using these? "We are so going to win."

"What are they?" Kyla asked

"We'll teach you. They're so funny; we've got this game won girls." Sabrina laughed.

For the next minute or so we went over the chants with the girls as much as we could.

"Times up." Tuna shouted and the music quietened.

"Flip of a coin will decide who goes first. Blake you shout it." She shouts flipping the coin...

"Heads." Blake shouts

"Heads it is, boys first." Tuna replies.

The boys get passed a few microphones between them to shout into so that everyone could hear them.

"You boys ready?" Mark smiles patting them on the back. "Give them girls your first chant."

The 4 Star lads looked at each other, looking a bit weary. "Ready?" Mike shouted and they all nodded.

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