Wink Wink

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-Chapter 4 Continued

We continue to stare at each other for about a hole minute until I get super agitated. I widened my eyes at him so signal to him to stop fucking looking at me. I look him dead in the eye and buck at him.😒

Oh my fucking god he's just so... IRATATIINGGGGGG. Like what the fuck.

After I send my buck at him I see his mouth turn to a smirk. He's smiling from ear to ear now it's like he's trying to mock me or something. I turn my whole body towards him with my hand gripping the back of my chair.

"What. Are you smiling at?", I ask him with a tiny bit of venom in my voice as my eyes turn into a agitated squint.

He stops cheesing and smooths wink to me with a sly smirk on his mouth.

"Wewós Cabeza", I use my Spanish skills to call him a dick head.

"Pun-ta", he silently mouths 'bitch' to me so no one can hear.

I roll my eyes and begin turn to back around to take notes but Ms. Reynolds is already staring at me.

"Chris!", she purposely loudly screams at me so that everyone can turn their attention to me. "Care to share your conversation with the class?" She says with a smirk.

This bitch really hates me.¯\_()_/¯

"Actually no.", I shoot back at her. "I dont."

The bell rings signaling it's time for next period, Art.

Hope this wasn't shitty😬😁

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