Chapter One

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IT WAS A GREAT DAY until Castor's apartment was blown up.

The boat renting company he worked for had let him take the day off, which was great, because the football match was today, and he had been intending on watching it live on television with Pollux. Pollux didn't work, simply because Castor didn't let him. Pollux may have believed that he fit in well with mortals, but Castor knew better. Pollux, with superhuman strength and his overall godliness, stood out like a sore thumb. Castor, possessing none of these godly qualities, blended in perfectly well.

Not that he was jealous or anything, but it kinda sucked. Pollux was great at boxing, and what was he good at? Horse racing, which was practically useless in the twenty-first century.

So he was currently in his apartment, a glass of coke on the coffee table in front of him. “Pollux!” he yelled. “What are you doing? The game's about to start soon!”

“I'll be there in a minute!” Pollux called back from the kitchen.

Castor sighed. His brother had never been great on punctuality. Castor slowly brought the cup of coke to his mouth, and then winced as a jagged pain cut through his hand, causing him to spill the drink onto his lap. “Pollux!” he yelled, “What did you do this time?”

“Fucking apple slicer,” Pollux said, walking into the living room with golden ichor streaming down his hand. “Where do we keep the ambrosia again?"

Castor groaned. On screen, the announcer was narrating the start of the match. “It's in the medicine cabinet,” he said, rolling his eyes. His gaze dropped back down to the puddle of fizzy liquid in his lap, “and get me some paper towels!” he added.

By the time Pollux was seated on the couch next to him, the Giants had already lost the ball.

“Great, just great Pollux,” Castor sighed, wiping up his lap. “You know, I once dropped a little girl into the lake because of this. I almost lost my job! Why is it that whenever you're injured, I have to feel it too?”

Pollux shrugged. “Beats me,” he said, before popping an apple slice into his mouth. “I thought we were watching the football game?”

Castor huffed, still not satisfied. But he turned his attention to the TV and settled down into the couch. The Giants had just scored a goal, apparently.

He suddenly shot back up. “Wait! I forgot to lock the back door and...”

“Calm down Castor,” Pollux said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I locked it before cutting up that apple. Jeez, you've been really wound up lately. Relax a little!”

Castor sagged back down into the couch and glared at his brother. “Well, it's a bit hard to relax when there are monsters rising up from the dead trying to kill you.”

“The gods have got it under control,” Pollux said dismissively.

“Oh really?” Castor arched an eyebrow. “Because last time I checked, under control did not mean monsters attacking us four times since last week!”

“Well, to be fair, the gods are really pissed at us,” Pollux said. “They're probably not too concerned with protecting us if they... TOUCHDOWN! WOOHOO!”

Castor rolled his eyes as Pollux celebrated. In all honesty, he had only wanted to watch the game to help calm his nerves, which had been on edge ever since their encounter with the gods last week.

It had gone rather badly, which was to say, they were almost killed. Castor and Pollux, well, technically just Castor, had actually died a good two thousand years ago. Pollux, the immortal twin, had opted to share his immortality with Castor rather than live alone forever. So they had spent one day in Olympus, and the other in Hades together.

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