Chapter 1|Heal

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Water dripped down from the sky, splashing down into the puddle by his feet. His back was against the tree as he looked up,  the dark clouds and grey skies adding to his depressed mood. The clouds shifted around, but it still looked like a big grey blanket in the sky. A drop of rain landed on his mask, and he lowered his gaze. On the gravel path, used to navigate these woods, was a rabbit, limping along with bloodstained fur. He promptly stood up, and approached it. The rabbit had a large bite mark on his back, exposing flesh.

The drop of rain dripped off his mask like a tear, and splashed on the rabbit. It looked up at him, before trying to hop away. He reached into his bag, and pulled out a roll of gauze. He held the rabbit still and wrapped it with gauze. Droplets of blood soaked through the gauze, and the rabbit tried to rip it off.

He picked up the rabbit and started to walk along the path, his black hoodie now dripping with water. The rabbit was still bleeding badly, and he knew it would die soon. It gave another weak attempt to escape, but it was futile.

He held the rabbit carefully, trying not to hurt it. The hastily wrapped gauze started coming loose, and blood seeped into the cloth of his hoodie.

He came to a derelict cabin, with broken windows, peeling white paint, and missing shingles. The door was hanging loose on its hinges, blowing open and shut in the wind.

He slipped inside the cabin, finding his way to the table, which was really just a board balanced on cinder blocks.

The rabbit didn't move when he set it on the table, other than the rise and fall of its sides when it breathed. He ran a gloved hand over its red stained fur, before removing the gauze fully.

The wound didn't look good, but the flow of blood had slowed somewhat. Strewn across the floor were various bottles of liquid, and he began to paw through them, looking for the grey-brown bottle, Hydrogen Peroxide. He couldn't find it though.

Until he spotted it across the room. He stood up and retrieved it promptly, pouring a generous amount on a cotton ball and gently cleaning the wound.

Blood stained the cotton ball, but the wound was cleaned. The rabbit kicked its leg slightly, before going limp. It was still breathing, but barely. He wrapped it with fresh gauze, more efficiently this time, and stroked the rabbit's ears. A chilly wind blew into the room, and the rabbit shivered. He removed his hoodie, which was still damp, and wrapped it around the rabbit.

He carried the bundle to the little closet in the corner of the room, and set the rabbit on the messy pile of weathered newspapers inside. The closet would keep the rabbit warm and safe until it healed. He shut the door and he moved back towards the table to organize the bottles on it.

Thunder boomed and he felt a drop of water on his head. The roof was leaking again, but he didn't have anything to fix it with. He moved away from the spot, leaving the bottles, and took a seat against the wall.

The texture of the wall sent shivers up his spine, but he didn't care. The sound of the rain was like a lullaby, sending him into a peaceful sleep.

To Be Lost||Eyeless Jack||Where stories live. Discover now