Chapter 2|Breathe

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The rain had subsided, rinsing away some of the peeling paint on the cabin. Small Puddles had formed between the cracks on the roof, and every few minutes a drop of water would slip out of the puddle and drip to the ground. 

He took a breath, and shook his head lightly. The air had been washed clean by the rain, yet he still could catch the scent of gasoline.

Even this far away from people. People. Vile creatures that stained the earth with their existence. He moved the mask away, so he could breathe better, and  yawned. His sleep had been rather fitful.

Rain often kept him awake. Not that he could control it. The rabbit was still inside, and he hadn't figured out what to feed it. Without food and water, the creature would die, despite his efforts.

He looked around, surveying the mass of vegetation growing around the building.

Maybe the rabbit could eat some of that. He crouched down, and plucked a few leaves from a plant. He sniffed them, felt them, and even tasted one, before deeming them not poisonous. 

Standing, he carried the leaves inside, and opened the closet door. The rabbit lifted its head, and he offered it a leaf. It sniffed it, before taking a small bite.

This made an unusual feeling bubble up among the hate and depression that usually dominated his conscience. Was it happiness? Maybe he was sick, and experiencing some sort of hallucination of emotions.

But for the first time in forever, He smiled. The rabbit continued to nibbled on the leaves he had brought it, but it didn't move much.

When it finished, he cleaned and wrapped the wound again. It hadn't yet gotten infected, so there was still hope. He actually hoped the poor creature would survive.

It gave him a sense of purpose, something he had been missing for quite some time.

It didn't rain that night, and he managed to get to sleep. Until he heard voices. A flashlight beam crossed into the room through the window, just a few feet away from him.

"Man, this place is dirty." He crawled towards the closet, to grab the rabbit, but the door was forced open, and he had to duck behind a wall.

Two sets of heavy footsteps, and a pair of light footsteps signaled the arrival of the unwanted visitors. He crawled towards a cardboard box hidden behind a broken, unturned, couch, but before he could reach it, he received a solid kick to the side.

He toppled over, like a Jenga tower, and clutched his side, muttering curses. Another kick came his way, but he was just quick enough to grab the foot and yank it sharply to the side, snapping the ankle in the attackers

A string of curses erupted from the mouth of his attacker, and he managed to stand just in time to avoid a kick from another attacker.

He was preparing to attack with a barrage of punches, but he heard a click, and the closet door opened. He turned, and saw a little girl, maybe six years old, crouching next to the rabbit.

He froze. What if she hurt it. What if his attackers hurt it. Why was she here? Was she with them?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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