I did something stupid

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A/N: Here's the sequel to "I did something crazy". As requested! I hope you like

*Ian's POV*

"AJ would you please put the pop-tarts down! We have enough already," I said, becoming frazzled.

I loved having a kid but sometimes Anthony Jr. (AJ for short) was a handful. He was asking for more pop-tarts even though we had 3 boxes. Being married and a parent changes you. Anthony and I had a budget and we had to be somewhat responsible. But there were a couple things that would never change, Smosh and the fact that all we ever ate was junk. It was miracle we weren't fat.

"Where's Daddy?" AJ whined. He was only 5 so he still had a little kid voice.

"He went to go get milk he'll be back any second," I told him.

As if on cue Anthony came strolling up with some milk in his hand. AJ jumped into his arms,"Daddy!!"

"Hey buddy," Anthony chuckled ruffling his hair. AJ looked so much like Anthony and I that one would never think he was adopted. He had my blue eyes and Anthony's dark hair, which we kept in a faux-hawk, as opposed to Anthony's emo look.

Anthony put the milk in the cart and kissed me on the cheek, earning a few looks from people but we could care less. We have been married for a little over a year and we still felt the same as we did on the day Anthony went to go get pizza on that fateful day.

*Anthony's POV*

We finished going through checkout, paid for the groceries and we were heading out to the car. Ian was pushing the cart and I was holding AJ's hand. We got to the car and I helped Ian put groceries in the car and AJ got in. Ian tossed the keys and I got in the driver's seat. We dropped by McDonald's on the way back to the Smosh house.

We all ate contentedly until there was a sharp scream from the back seat.

"I DIDN'T GET A TOY!!!!" AJ shrieked.

I turned to see what was wrong, and quickly turned back, and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw in front of me... a car coming right at us. Everything happened so fast but it felt like slow motion. We collided with the car, and then everything went black.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm kind of testing the waters to see how this goes(that's why it's so short). A sequel was requested and I did it. I didn't go the direction that was suggested but hey #YOLO...if I ever say that again you all have the right to slap me...anyway, give me feedback, let me know what you think! Should I continue?

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