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*AJ's POV*

I couldn't see anything but I could hear a lot. There was a lot of beeping and a lot of voices.

"He's moving!" said one voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and everything was very white. When my eyes got used to the brightness, I saw a very pretty lady staring at me. She had friendly eyes and a friendly smile. I smiled up at her.

"Hey buddy, how are you?" she asked, speaking softly.

I tried to sit up but it hurt and I laid back down.

"Don't try to move, you're probably still sore," she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You and your parents were in a car accident," she said, sadly.

"Where are they?" I asked getting scared.

The lady stepped out of the way and I saw daddy Anthony sleeping. He had a some big Band-Aids on his head but he seemed OK otherwise.

"Where's daddy Ian?" I asked.

The lady looked at me sad and said, "He's in surgery."

I closed my eyes and started to cry. The lady rubbed my arm and made comforting noises. Soon, I fell back asleep.

*Anthony's POV*

I woke up and heard the sounds of beeping monitors. My head was throbbing. I opened my eyes slowly and was blinded by the brightness. It smelled very clean, like a hospital. Then I remembered what happened. I sat up very quickly, despite the protests of my head. I saw a nurse sitting beside someone and she seemed to be comforting them. I cleared my throat and she turned her head. She got up to come see me and I saw my little AJ, his face stained with tears.

"Is he OK?" I asked the nurse.

"He's perfectly fine. He has a couple of scrapes and bruises but other than that, he's great."

I looked around me,"Where's Ian?"

The nurse looked around, bit her lip and said,"He's in surgery, the doctors don't know how much longer it's going to take."

Now I understood why AJ had been crying.

*Ian's POV*

I was in the backyard playing fetch with Smosh. Anthony was cooking some burgers, steaks, and hot dogs on the grill. AJ was playing with his Pokémon action figures. Mari, Joven, Sohinki, and Lasercorn were going to be here soon. We were having a cook-out and I couldn't wait. As if on cue, they arrived and we all ate and had an amazing time. Then everything slowly faded.

I woke up again and I was lying in a pool of blood. I looked and saw Anthony and AJ lying dead on the floor. I was dead too but I wasn't...if that makes any sense. That scene soon faded away and was replaced by another. It went on like this for what seemed like an eternity, going through different scenes, some happy, some sad, and some just plain weird.

*Anthony's POV*

The nurse brought me some food and told me what happened. For some reason, Ian's air bag malfunctioned and didn't deploy so his head hit the dash pretty hard. They say that there's a decent chance that he won't make it. It was all my fault. I can't believe I had been so stupid. I let AJ distract me and now I didn't know if I was ever going to see Ian again. I couldn't imagine life without him. He was my world, my everything, my sunshine, my magic, and my love. We made Smosh together, we adopted a beautiful boy and raised him together, we went through everything...together. What was I going to do? I didn't know if I could go on. I mentally slapped myself. Of course I could. I had to for AJ and it's not all doom and gloom. Ian will pull through, he's strong. He knows I need him and he will pull through for me.

A/N: Here it is as requested, the continuation of this story. I think I'm going to set a goal. I will wrote another chapter when I get 10 votes and 5 comments on the chapter. I think this will go for every chapter for this story. Please let me know what you think I can do to improve and message me with any ideas you want in the story. I will give you credit if I use them. Thanks! Love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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