Break In X Stephen Johns

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After finishing school in Chicago, you decided to moved to Dallas to live with your boyfriend of several years, Stephen Johns. He was traded to the Dallas Star a little over a year ago and it had been the longest year of your life. It was hard not having him with you  The two of you constantly Face Timed and it became a regular thing. The two of you would talk the night before every game. Stephen had recently moved into his own  apartment to accommodate both of you, but he had yet to unpack. Stephen was now away on a two week road trip with the Stars and you were in charge of unpacking everything. It would have been easier if you had some friends in Dallas to help you but since you literally got here a few days ago, you hadn't met any friends yet. You hadn't even met any of the other WAGS yet.

You were exhausted from a long day of unpacking and so you decided that now was as good of a time as ever to FaceTime Stephen. It made being away from him a little bit easier. You headed upstairs to your bedroom which for the most part was still in boxes. You opened your laptop and made the call.
"Hey babe, how is everything."
"It's good. Still a lot to unpack but I should have it done when you get back."
"I'm so sorry I'm not there to help. If you want I can ask if any of the other guy's girlfriends are able to help."
"No it's fine, Stephen. I'm almost done anyways."
The two of you sat and talked for a while when you suddenly you hear a noise downstairs. Stephen saw the scared expression on your face.
"Babe, what's wrong."
"It's nothing, I just thought I heard something downstairs."
"Well call the police."
"But what if I'm wrong. I'm going to go check it out."
"Well move this chat with me onto your phone and have your phone prepared to dial the police."
You followed his instructions and headed downstairs to check out the noise. That's when you were struck in the head with something. Your body hit the floor with a huge thud. You couldn't even get a good look at the burglar before you blacked out.
Stephen began to panic as soon as your phone hit the ground. He immediately phoned the police. Then had the guys see if one of their girlfriends would be able to check on you in the hospital. Luckily, Spezza's wife, Jennifer was able and happy to do so.
When Jennifer arrived at the hospital, the doctors had just finished examining you. Everything seemed to be fine. A few stitches on the right side of your forehead and a minor concussion. You were released a few hours later and you didn't want you to stay in the apartment by yourself. Jennifer kindly offered for you to stay with her and her kids to kept her company while the guys were away.

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