I Love You

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Ross' POV

I can't belive I'm going to London with Laura ALONE! I think I'm going to tell her how I feel while were their! Oh my god I'm going to London with the love of my life. She is love and she is all I need ( I wonder where I got that from ) I can't live with out her.

Laura's POV

Yay!!!!!  London! I'm going to London Alone with Ross!!!!!!!! Best Day Ever!!!!! I wonder if he has fellings for me. My one and only dream is for him to ask me out , but why would he like a girl like me. *she frowns*

I think I'm going to text him

L- Hey Ross! Wat Up

R-Hey Laur! Ur starting to sound like me.

L- hahha very funny

R- So where going to london yay!

L- yeah! can't wait!

*They don't text eachother for about 15 minutes*

R- Hey I have to go so see ya tomorrow on set! Good Night my  Laur Laur!!!!

L- Bye Rossy

When Ross sees the text he just stares and says I Love You.

And with that Laura closes her flip phone and goes to sleep thinking of how london will be like

Ross just thinks of Laura and His Future together................. Forever..........

Raura: AdorkableWhere stories live. Discover now