chapter 1-tayla

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When I was a little girl round about 5 years old, I used to watch superhero movies like spiderman. So I wanted to be a super hero when I was older, and I was always told I could always accomplish something as long as I try my hardest.

So when a man came up to me when I was playing by myself at the age of 6, and asked "hey kid, I have a present for you but you can only have it if you want to be a super hero." And me being me I was all for it. I wanted powers, I wanted to help people, I wanted to be a hero.

After I said yes he said that he will return when I turn 13. I was disappointed I wanted it then and there I even told him that but in return he said "good things happen to those who wait." And I never hear so much bullshit in my life but at the time I believed him.

After that day I got my parents to take me to karate, boxing and many other marshal arts. So by the time I was 12 I could do some serious damage to anyone who tried to hurt me.

Yes I carried on, yes I still wanted to be super hero. I would have gave up on that dream if that man never came up to me in the first place, but I wanted it so badly. I also had a gut feeling that he would come back I knew it. That was the only time I wish that I was wrong about something so badly.

When my thirteenth birthday came along I had a party with all my friends and family. It was 1 o'clock and I went out side to get some fresh air all by myself.

When I sat down I saw the same man that came to me when I was six, he looked exactly the same as if he never aged. He still looked like he was in his late 20s.

I stood up shocked, I knew he was cor but at the same time I didn't think he would. Like who goes to a six year old and tells them that they would come back for me and actually does it. If I didn't know any better I wpuld have called him a pedophile.

"You ready?" Is all he asked and I noded not sure what to say, but now I think back to it I should have said no. I should have said no the first time I saw him, it was like he knew the right person to go to.

After a few seconds of him standing there he had staryed saying things in a different language that I never heard of.

He grabbed my hand while still saying these random things and stabs my index finger with a needle. He places that finger on a peace of paper that looked like a contract. And he stopped saying what ever he was saying and looked at me "good luck. You're going to need it." With that he had walked away.

Dumb founded I had walked back into my house to find that everyone was slaughtered. I called the police but when they asked me I told then about the man. The didn't look surprised,  he had told me that many casses are the same as mine, and they have been hunting this man for years. Buy they don't understand how he always looks the same when we described him to them.

I had been puy into many foster homes but in the end they always end up dead once I get close to them. Same with people I meet, so I stopped talking to lots people.

I also ran away and found an abandoned under ground house place. I had found ot as I was running from a group of police officers and I had ran under a bridge of a motorway. I had lost them there but they were still looking. I had seen a random brick structure with no door, but there was a hole in one of the walls.

So I barely squeezed through the hole and when I did I saw a broken down elevator. I looked around the small space and saw a crossbar. I picked it up and opened the door.

When I managed to open it the lift was there as if it was waiting for someone to come along and use it.

I walked inside and moved the crossbar and the doors clossed.

Out of curiosity I had pressed the only botten that was there and it started moving to my surprise.

Once it got to the bottom the doors open to have seen a massive bedroom and a kitchen attched, the lights on the roof automatically turned on. I walked around and i had found a bathroom, a walk in closet, a living room and a random room with a board attached to a wall.

The board cover the whole wall. There was a desk aswell that had strings in a draw, there was also a few tubs on top of the desk filed with pins.

That day forward I knew whaf I was going to do, and that was track down that son of a bitch myself.

And here I am today, still living in this under ground apartment, running from the cops, and tracking down the man that cursed me.

Right now I'm currently looking at my board that is filled with pictures of random people that I think is connected to him. Some of them have crosses over there picture as well I killed them.

Thats what I do now I find people question then and if I don't get an answer I taucher them. And if I still don't get an answer, well it's simple, I slit there throat. Or shot them in the head.

I have to admit I'm a mother fucking bad ass. People call me an anti-hero as well I don't only go after the people im chasing, I go after any one that is bad in general. Like serial killers stuff like that. They call me the night terror, as well I only go out at night and I can never so something simply. If I go out well most likely there's going to be explosions,  and alot of them.

I hate to admit this but innocent people do sometimes die. I do try and avoid it, but I can't to every thing right can I.

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