chapter 3-tayla

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I'mmm sooo bored. I literally sitting on a roof with my sniper rifle, waiting. Waiting for who? Well it's Wolf. No im not going to shot him, he is my best friend, my only friend. Well I will have one more soon hopefully.

Ok. So me and wolf have found out about a girl like us called Amber. Wolf may or may not have hacked into het phone so we can see her texts. Yes I know invading privacy and if someone did that to me I would have cut of their dick or boobs depending on the gender. I'm nice I know.

We found out that shes meeting up with a man called Dexter Hills. Let me tell you I've been hunting Dexter for a month. He works with the shadow the man who did this to me. I think the girl knows that but he's going to kill her. I will not let that happen, I need a friend thats a girl for crying out loud.

I see Wolf get into position. He has a very simple part in this, all he is doing is making sure that the one im going to shot with the sleeping dart is Dexter. Cause you never know she might bump into someone then I shot that person by accident. Hey that would be so funny, knowing me if I did that I would totally draw on them with a permit maker for when they wake up.

I see the girl walk into the alleyway Wolf is standing next to. He looks up at me and nods, and I role my eyes in return. Like I know who im ment to save god I'm not thick.

Next thing I know I see someone else go into the alleyway. I lock eyes with Wolf and he nods, and I move quickly into position.

I look through the scope and I calm down my breathing. Breath in and out. I see them talking then the girl make a scared expression, and Dexter reaches inside of his jacket. I made sure I will shot his neck and I pull the trigger, and I hit his neck and I fist pump and shout "bullseye"

I jump of the building and ran into the Alleyway and picked Dexter up. I put him over my shoulder, and Wolf comes in with our van.

My eyes divert to the girl that looks 18 so one year older then me. "Hi. Damn that shot was on point. Um what your name?" I ask a bit to excited. "Amber. Who are you. What do you want?" She asks regaining her posture, trying to seem stronger then she actually is.

"Well my name is Ryla people call me the mad curse. And well I need this dick head Dexter he works with the person that put this fucking curse on us. And I also want you to come with us, you know a team to get revenge on the shadow. The man who did this. Theres only me and wolf. So what do you say?"

For a few seconds she looks at me like im crazy before nodding. I jump up and doing a little celebratory dance. She laughs a bit and I stop.

"Well lets get going." I say and I open the back of the truck and threw Dexter in the back and got in. Amber joined me in the back as well. "Oh yeah Wolf you have to come straight back here once you drop us of to get my stuff. As I will be busy." I say the last part while looking at Dexter.

I hear a slightly ok and the Van starts moving, through out the drive it was silent but a good silent.

About 30 minutes later the can stops and I get out after putting Dexter on my shoulder. Amber followed me with her head hung low, while Wolf drivs off.

I put my hand on the brick structure and the wall opens. Do you like my new systems. It got finger print scanner thingy on it. Damn it I gotta do that for Amber so she can get in.

Well right now I just can't wait to tourcher this mother fucker for info. It's a nice thought isnt it.

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