(Morgan Willow-DeLaurentis)

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Wow, you named yourself ‘ladysmanftw’? Really? For the win? Ladies’ man? Wow, you’re really helping me analyse you here...

Okay you’re obviously egoistical because you named yourself ladies’ man – obvious self-confidence – and the first message I ever received from you was meant to go to someone you shagged somewhere. You’re probably good looking because you seem to get around the women. (This is a theory, but if you do stuff with people you met hours before than you’ve gained confidence from somewhere to do it a lot.) you must get a lot of attention for that. Maybe at college? University? I wouldn't pin you as a school student - heck, you might not be in education at all - I reckon your older. Although most high school seniors seem to think they're older than what they are, I can't picture you in school.

You're bad at names. You called me Megan, so I'm guessing the only way you remember names is if you associate them with someone. i.e. you did with me and Morgan Freeman.

You're quite snarky, sarcastic, so in guessing your the leader of whatever (your friends? Followers?) and a posse follow you around. That, and your big headed, so that's a logical reason. You are so not a loner. I'm guessing your really quite popular.

I can't decide if you play sport or not... On one hand you obviously have looks, popularity and friends but on the other your body confidence has been with women, ad sex appeal that way, not your body, so I don't know if you work out or not or play anything. I don't know, maybe you do?

You're a little like my best-guy-friend, Nate. He has a rep with the  ladies. We have a love/hate relationship; me and him. Nate acts hard and immature (whilst still having some intelligence - because I bet your smart...) but he still cares about the ones he loves. I bet my bottom dollar that your a nice person really. (Because you did apologise for having the wrong number at one point, so thanks!) Oh, and your very competitive.

How'd I do?

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