(Jesse Jackson)

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Wow, high school? Senior? Rep with the ladies? Dollar? You've really got to stop using American phrases. You're English. Okay, firstly, I guess you like films. American films mainly? They are more mainstream than British films, I have to admit. That, or you visit America a lot and you pick these things up...

Are you in school? Or just curious on my age because that was one of the first things you pointed out. I guess you might be in college. First year probably. You said straight-A, so you must have done your GCSE's or something.

At first I thought you were just smart and geeky but then you insulted me and said you wasn't done bullying me after saying my name was feminine so there's got to be an exciting side to you. I bet you go out partying all the time. *insert winky face here*

Have many friends? I actually can't decide if you have friends or not because I don't know if you're pretty or not. It's different with girls, the prettier they are the more popular they are. It's true, and harsh. Personally I don't think that is the way it should go. The more things that looks are based upon/are the concept of builds up more low-self-estem and depression. Whatever happened to personalities? (See, even if you are right - and you are - I'm snarky, I still care about things! My mom says I have a good heart.)

Hey, there is nothing wrong with my name. I think it's pretty awesome. I believe I have been blessed with good looks, yes, but if you ever met my parents you'd understand. But I am NOT EGOISTICAL. I admit, I use my looks to my advantage, but I'm not really big headed. I'm optimistic, though. If that counts for anything. I am competitive. If there's something I want, I'll have it. I do play sport, actually. I swim. I have a hot body, but I'm not a football player or anything so I don't talk about my body much. (That was not egoistical). (To prove this, I am going back to talking about you...)

I guess you can stick up for yourself? You seem, I don't know, not fake. You care about what people say or think about you. (I said your name wrong and you corrected me, that's good.) I reckon you could be sarcastic too. You seem lovely - in other words; kind, harmless, friendly - but you have your moments too, right?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what i've determined. And if I lose, for once I don't mind. Thinking about you, imagining what you're like; reminds me of my old best-friend, Hattie, who died many years ago. I image you're great. I imagine you help people. I'm going to imagine you like her; so let the best person win, Morgan. <3

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