Anteiku and Max

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Alanui Rushako got up and groaned as she sat up in bed to her alarm.
'Ugghhh...' Why did I have to get up again? She got out of bed, and had to get in the shower, brush her teeth, and made herself breakfast.
She stuck a piece of toast in her mouth, and ran to Anteiku, Just to see her best friend Max waiting by the building.
"Baka~Why did you keep me waiting?"
Alanui pouted. I'm sorry.
She said tilting her head, her wavy hair practically smacking her back with her long locks.
Max blushed looking at her up and down.
~Alanui's P.O.V~
I had checked to see where his eyes trailed. I didn't move my head though.
I linked arms with Max.
"Come Max-kun!"~ I practically sung.
I wanted to distract him from my boddsss...!
~Author's Pov~
Max shook Alanui's arm off and grabbed her hand trailing her into Anteiku.
As soon as they got in the coffee shop, Max sat Alanui down immediately and sat in front of her.
A boy with jet-black hair and an eye path over his eye, with an uncovered brown eye smiled and waved at Alanui.
"Ohio- Kaneki~Kun!"
She said adorably.
Max gave Alanui a fierce glare. "Who the hell is that?" Alanui put her right hand on the left side of his neck, and pulled on his hair gently.
"Maxxy-Kun~" Alanui purred.
Max practically shook.
Kaneki walked beside the table.
"Is there anything I can get any of you for now?"
Alanui smiled.
Both of us can just get the original.
Kaneki nodded and wrote the order down on a pad of paper, then walked away.
Max glared at Alanui and grabbed her hand.
"Hey, I've meant to ask you something..."
"Are you jealous of all my ba-ba-ba-boyfriends?"
Max's eyes widened.
"B-baka! Nevermind. Sometimes your never worth my time."
Kaneki laid the tray onto the table, took the two coffee cups off, and placed a napkin under Alanui's cup. She agnolaged the napkin and put it in her pocket. Kaneki smiled, walking away.
Alanui frowned at Max and looked at the coffee, grabbing it, then sipping it.
Max did the same.
Max leaned in the chair.
Soon they both finished their coffee, paid and left.
Alanui and Max sat at a park bench, and soon moved to the swings.
Max sighed longingly.
Alanui looked past Max and caught eyes with her closest but not best friend.
"Hide! Hide- Kun! Ohio~!"
Hide and Alanui smiled and waved at each other.
Hide ran and hugged Alanui, sitting on the swing, putting Alanui on his lap, facing him.
All they did was giggle and laugh, And Max cringed at every sight of her giggle.
~Max's point of view~
What the hell, Man?!
She's supposed to be mine,
That little Baka!
She's not allowed to do that!
To hell with that stupid boy sitting under her!
He knows what he's doing!
He gave me the stink-eye eight times. ~Tch
I'll make her mine.
And this Hide guy will back off of her.
And if any other guys lay one dirty finger on her, I swear to God-
I bit my bottom lip.
If I bit it any harder, I'm sure it would bleed.
Soon, Hide left and I found Alanui holding onto my back, to my chest.
She murmured.
"~Eh? Speak up Baka."
Alanui dug her face into my back.
"C-can- I wear your jacket?"
She says shortly after mumbling.
"You're abnormally warm."
I tug her off my back, and take off my jacket.
I fix my shirt as it almost went over my chest.
I hand her the jacket.
She takes the jacket, and puts it on. She snuggles into it.
"Arigato LOVER-kun"
I could feel my face turning three shades of color. Pink, orange, and bright red. It was a heated kind of shades that made me embarrassed.
What is that feeling? I've never felt it in front of Alanui. It's a gesture, Right?
I shrug it off.
"Let me walk you home."
Alanui smiles and jumps up and down. I stood up and grabbed her hand.
"N-no." She stammered.
"That's not right." She folded her small fingers in between mine, and nuzzled her shoulder onto mine. Although, I was taller.
~After getting to Alanui-Chan's house~
It started raining.
We stood on her porch in the rain. Her hair drenched. It looked adorable wet. It fell in her face easily so I could sneak glimpses when she blushed.
"You have a key?"
"Of course I do. I live in the apartment. I'm not stupid." She groaned looking in her pocket and pulled out her key.
She unlocked the door, and walked in.
"Welcome~" she sung.
I stepped in blowing the drenched hair out of my face.
She took off her jacket and her shirt at the same time and walked upstairs.
Best thing that ever happened to me today.
She came back down in shorts so short that I couldn't see anything under her big T-shirt that hung over her shoulder.
Alanui said skipping into the kitchen.
I stuttered focusing on her body.
I sat in the stool to her marble table and turned, leaning on the table.
~Alanui's point of view ~
I grabbed some left over bento in the fridge, and cut up some little heart-headed squids.
"My Maxxey." I sung.
I smiled, and out them in the bento.
I slid it to him and smiled.
"Enjoy. I cooked it up myself."
Max examined the food, played with it, then started eating it.
All I could do is stare.
When he finished the box of bento I grabbed the box and threw it away.
I turned back to Max, and giggled.
I see you have leftovers for me.
I wiped at the side of Max's cheek achieved the crumb, and then ate it off my finger.
"That was... different."
Max said as he scratched the back of his neck.
I stared at him with a huge smile.
"What are you staring at~Baka?!" Max yelled.
I crawled across the table after using a stool, and got only inches away from Max. So close, I could see his pupils clearly.
"Am I just a friend to you?"
I whispered in control of a whimper.
Max backed away a little.
"You do not find me attractive?"
I got closer to him and grabbed his collar.
I whispered.
Max froze.
~Max's point of view~
I moved my two fingers behind her neck, and found a vein and a bump.
A pressure point.
I squeeze it down, and she suddenly, falls on top of me.
I fall out of the stool as she falls down with me.
I slide from under her, and grabs her gently.
I took her to what I think was her bedroom.
I laid her on the covers as I placed sheets on top of her.
Later in the morning after I made sure she's safe, I go to Anteiku, get Alanui Rushako- Chan a black sweetened coffee take it to her house. And leave a 'sorry' note on her table.
Why must you be so difficult so, That's just making things more complicated.
I'm falling for her hard.
I'll see you later....Alanui... Rushako-

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