They're Missing?

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~Alanui's Point Of View~
I woke up with a pounding headache that made my ears ring.
I look around. He's not here?
I sigh blowing my hair.
Rubbing my eyes, I went into the bathroom, took a shower, put on a black dress and black boots, and grabbed my bag.
I went downstairs, and look around.
His jacket's gone.
And... Everything else seems to be clear.
I guess I should go to class.
I found a coffee cup on the table. With 2 notes in it. ~Enjoy. This coffee from Anteiku.
I read the other one.
~You acted so strange, Yesterday. You're pathetic.
You're just weird~

Might as well, Go to class. Better to start earlier so I can get done faster.
I got to school, went throughout 3 hours of class, and went back home.
I just took off my shoes, and climbed in bed.
I got a flier from school, that every time I looked at it, I cringed.
Max and Kaneki-Ken are missing.
Since two days ago.
How long have I been sleep? And why did both of them just disappear out of nowhere?
What if something happened to them? And what if... Something happened to them and...
I'll never see them ever again? I'll never be able to live with myself...
I can't bear to think that something may happen to them.
And that...
I started to fall asleep, and all I could think about was my two missing friends.
Soon, I quietly and shortly fell asleep.
(Sorry it was short, the next chapter will be much longer. MUCH MUCH LONGER. for now.
~Goodbye, Munchkins. I'll make the next chapter later in the day. :/ I mean in like 15 minutes)

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