The Older Sister, Elaina

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~Narrator's Point of view~
Alanui was already up and at Anteiku.
She didn't dress nice, she felt crappy.
She didn't call anybody and she answered no calls from anybody who she wanted to be calling her.
She was just sitting there with a depressed look on her face.
She barely drunk her coffee letting it get cold.
'How would it feel if you found your best friend, in the floor, sprawled body, and dead in the alleyway?'
'how about your family?'
'why if Alanui found Max or Kaneki like that?'
Hide sat in front of her.
"Dead much?"
He said making Alanui jump softly while in her chair.
Alanui says quietly.
"I didn't know you would jump like that." Hide says.
"Mm-hm. There's just a lot on my mind."
Alanui says softly as water starts to fill her eyes.
Her shoulders start to go up and down as she holds in cries, with the most horrid sad face that she ever made.
Her eyes became huge and red as she cried.
"Alanui, Are you okay?"
Alanui got up and had smiled. It quickly disappeared.
'A real friend is a person that can sadness pass your smile, and a lover is a person is a person that can nurse you from your health, to build you up'
"I gotta go."
Alanui says walking out.
As Alanui walks slower and slower with her hands to her chest, a hand is placed on her shoulder.
Alanui turned around quickly only to find her big sister, Elaina.
She hugs her big sister tightly, and cries even louder, as it starts to pour and the sky cries years of rain.
"Are you okay, Ui-Ui?"
Elaina says placing her hand on top of her sister's head, and caresses Alanui's hair softly.
Alanui places her forehead on Elaine's chest crying.
"I'll never see them again!"
Alanui cries loudly.
Elaina doesn't know what to do but, comfort her.
They both drop to there knees in the dark and foggy rain.
Alanui sobbing her heart out.
Talking about her two best friends that are missing and didn't come back.
Alanui drops on her knees, as Elaina leans on her own knees.
Alanui grips Elaina's jacket.
Alanui cries.
  ~Elaina's point of view~
I know she's hurt.
And she lost her friends, but think about what you have for a second.
2 friends are better than one.
I can't tell her that right now because, she's broken right now.
There's nothing left for her to stay like that.
Suddenly, I feel an erratic  pain in my back that twist through goes right through my back to stomach.
I scream and cry at this pain.
It soon drills throughout my leg and drags me across the ground with it still in my leg.
I signal Alanui to run so, I don't have to scream her name and draw her attention. It's rather me than her.
Alanui ran away as my arms get pulled back behind me and I felt instant stinging in my arms, when it gets bitten at and I'm no longer able to move, when three more stings go into my torso, and legs.
The pain is excruciating.
When my body goes numb after loosing so much blood- my body drops to the ground, and I lay on the ground. As my body drives out of my body.
I pass out from the blood loss, and soon, I can't feel anything.
~Alanui's point of view~
All I could do was run.
She saved me. I would've tried to help. And probably would've died.
I dropped my key while I was running.
I went around the apartment, kicked through the window, and climbed through.
I pulled on my floor dresser, and pushed it in front of the kicked through window.
I secured the dresser, and ran upstairs screaming.
I jumped in bed, locked the upstairs windows, and shut and locked the doors.
I lay in bed with my knees to my chest.
No covers. I'm just... sad.
I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
I feel dead inside even know I'm healthy and alive.
"I can't do this."
I cry as my tears take over most of my words, so all I can and will do is cry. It's what I do best.
There's no way that I can live like this anymore...      Can I be able to live like                           this?

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